Chapter 7

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I found myself in a confused daze on our walk down to breakfast. Fred and George eventually went back to being themselves, realizing I needed some time. However, Fred constantly shot me a quickly look in order to see if I was okay.

Once we made it to lunch, the excitement of the first day of school overcame my distance from everyone. I kept to myself at lunch, only talking with fake enthusiasm after getting out schedules.

I needed to discuss this dilemma I was in with someone other then the twins. Trust me, I love them more then anything, but they couldn't help me even if they tried.

"Come on, Bella," Harry nudged me. "Time for class."

Umbridge's classroom was unfortunately the first class I had to visit. The odor surrounding the room was a strong fragrance of perfume. A perfume you would find your great aunt wearing. The classroom reminded me of a biology class. There were things in jars, and a type of winged creature's skeleton hanging above the desks.

Wearily, I sat down on the far end of the three rows of desks, in the back. Hermione had sat down next to me, while Alex and Dylan sat in the row next to us, and Harry and Ron were in the desks in front of them.

"Did something happen?" Hermione whispered to me. "You seem a bit... off."

"Nothing," I muttered, looking away from her stand towards the teacher's desk in the front.

Umbridge sat there with a wide, toothless smile on her face. She sipped her tea from time to time, her eyes watching the students intently as they sat down. I began to wonder if she had even changed since last night.

The whole class was soon seated, a small chatter passing among the students. She put down her tea cup, and stood up from her desk. When she didn't gain attention to was hoping for, she cleared her throat. The majority of the class quieted down, causing her to beam at us.

"Good afternoon children!" she said sweetly.

A small part of the class mumbled, "Good afternoon."

"Tut, tut," she scolded, shaking her head. "Now that won't do. Now every one, loud and clear. Good afternoon, Ms.Umbridge."

"Good afternoon, Ms.Umbridge," we all mumbled louder.

"That will do for now. Now, put away all your wands and take out quills."

Heads turned to the sides, exchanging looks of confusion. My hand had shot into the air as she swished her wand around, words scribbling on the chalkboard behind her. Soon enough, her stocky body moved away from the chalk board.

Course Aims:

1. Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic.
2. Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can legally be used.
3. Placing the use of defensive magic in a context for practical use.

"Yes, Ms. Cooper?" Miss Umbridge asked.

For a few seconds, I had forgotten my had was raised. The so called course aims had nothing to do with learning actual defensive spells.

"As a new student, how will I be able to defend my self with out knowing any spells?" I asked.

She began to laugh at me like I had just asked the stupidest question ever. "Well, we will be learning about the spells-"

But I cut her off before she could finish. "I mean wand movements. Things like how to cast the spell, or how to defend yourself against one."

"Why would kids like you possibly need to learn that?"

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