Chapter 10

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Even if when I went to bed early, I still woke up tired. With a resting bitch face, I slumped out of bed.

Yawning, I looked over towards the girls' beds. They were empty, meaning they must have already met up with the boys... wait.


Gaining a hop in my step, I made my way down the steps. I was determined to talk to him before anything else was to happen.

They all were dressed and sitting in the common room. I hurried over towards the edge of the circle they had made, and listened in on their conversation.

"Harry, you have to tell Dumbledore!" Hermione ordered. "This isn't teaching, it's torture!"

That confirmed my questions about wether they knew or not. So I quickly added in comments of my own.

"I agree with Hermione," I announced, startling a few. "It's pure torture, for no reason. How did she even cut it into your had in that way?"

Harry looked attacked at the moment. Couldn't blame him though. We were coming down on him like a pack of wolves.

"When I got into detention, gave me this quill. Yet she didn't give me any ink. And when I asked her for some she told me that I wouldn't need it," he explained, looking down at his hands. "So I started it writing on the parchment. I could tell that it was odd the first letter I wrote. The ink was blood red. Then I had began to feel the pain in my hand, and next thing I knew, my hand was ripped apart."

"I've never read anything about something like that," Hermione grimaced.

"Sounds like dark magic if you ask me," Dylan said darkly.

I looked over at him, the tone in his voice had surprised me. He had always seemed like a level headed kind of guy. All those around me looked at him most likely thinking the same thing.

Alex, on the other hand, took the time to scan me. Her eyebrow lifted at what I was wearing.

"Hey, Bella," she said.

"Hmm," I mumbled looking at her.

"You should probably go get dressed. You're practically naked."

My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up.

"I am not practically naked!" I whispered viciously to her. "I'm just wearing a tank-top and some old shorts."

She crossed her skinny jeaned legs and folded her arms around her cat sweater. Her lazy gaze continued against my glare until I decided to go back up to the dormitory.

I began to wonder if this was the Alex that everyone recalled to miss. She became more social everyday, but it also lead to her becoming more critical of everyone.

We continued the day with a quick Quidditch practice with the whole team. This finally gave Ron and I some in game experience. Then I returned back to the common room only to be dragged off into an empty classroom with Hermione. I was apparently a fast learner. According to Hermione, I was learning the things that she learned in November of her first year, only on my second day. In my opinion, learning to do something is so much easier then learning to do some pointless math equation.

Once we had finished, we headed down to the Great Hall to eat. Weekends had a tendency to move to fast for me.

Walking through the portrait hole, I headed toward the couch. When I was walking in front  of the couch, two arms wrapped around me from behind. Squealing, the arms pulled me onto the couch with them.

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