Chapter 9

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Once in the empty classroom, Hermione took out her first year books. Then she swished her wand causing the desks to move from the middle of the room. I watched in amazement as the desks piled on top of each other in the corners of the classroom.

"So, what first?" I asked Hermione, twirling my wand between my fingers.

"Uhh, we can start with the basics. That would be Wingardium Leviosa," she replied not taking her eyes of the book.

When she did she closed it with a bang, placing it on the floor.

Standing like the soldiers in London, I shouted her.

"Yes Sir," I said with my most proper man voice.

Completely blowing off my foolishness, she went straight into teacher mode.

"The wand movement is swish and flick," she said moving her wand with a swisher and flick. "And make sure you pronounce it clearly."

Nodding, I looked around the classroom for something to be my test subject. Seeing that there was a lonely desk, I pointed my wand in its direction. Making the swish and flick movements, I concentrated on pronouncing the words clearly.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

And with that, it lifted up in the air. My smile grew ten times wider.

"I still can believe it! I'm actually controlling it! I'm making that lift in the air!" I squealed.

"Wow, you're a fast learner," Hermione said impressed. "It took me at least two tries."

"Yeah, I pick things up easily," I chuckled.

Hermione let a smile spread across her face as she picked back up her book. I was bouncing with excitement and adrenaline.

"What are we learning next?" I asked happily.

"How was tutoring?" Ron asked with at the end if the day.

Smiling and sitting criss-cross on the common room couch, I replied with, "Amazing."

Hermione smirked at my happy faced. "She picked up on things quicker then I thought. We'll be starting second year by next weekend."

"Where's Harry?" I asked seeing he wasn't nearby.

"Went to Umbridge's detention," Dylan replied.

"Lucky him," I scoffed sarcastically. "What time is it?"

"5:15, why?" Alex replied.

"Just got to get ready for tryouts," I shrugged. "See ya'll in a few."

Ron looked up from his homework with a sick expression. Then he shoved all his things into his bag hastily as I made my way up to my dorms.

Throwing on a tee shirt and yoga pants, I slipped into some sneakers. I could already tell how annoying my hair was going to be not in a pony tail.

Hurrying down the steps, Dylan and Ron were walking out from their dorm as well.

"Is this good for quidditch?" I asked, motioning to my out-fit.

Dylan nodded, "Yeah. Should be fine."

"You know," I said, "in the muggle world, sports consist of actual running... I have to say, it's going to be weird not running for a sport. Especially since I'm a soccer player."

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