Chapter 15

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I intertwined my fingers with his, even as he had his arm draped around my shoulders fingers intertwined. The two of us made our way slowly from the quiet and deserted pathways, to crowded and noisy streets.

"So, where to first?" I questioned.

"Honeydukes. Didn't I tell you our plans the night we slept together?" he asked giving me a sneaky smirk.

Groaning, I rolled my eyes annoyingly. "We did not sleep together, for the tenth time. I simply fell asleep next to you on the couch."

"What ever you say," he laughed.

I whacked him in the chest, causing him to grunt.

"Man up wimp," I giggled.

He chucked pulling me even closer to him. "Yeah, yeah... Now, come on."

Once we were inside the sweet shop, I pulled away from Fred's grip, striding over to the chocolate frogs section. I grabbed two boxes and a sugar quill.

"Whoa... ease up on the candy. I'm paying and we still have Zonko's and The Three Broomsticks," Fred chuckled.

"I can pay for my own stuff," I said simply, eyeing some acid pops.

"Yes I am," he stated, looking at the Fudge Flies.

"You can pay for my butterbeer, but that's it," I debated.

"Fine," he shrugged.

"That's right you better back down," I laughed as I walked onto the line.

"Whatever," he chuckled, getting on line behind me. "I'll just put the extra money into George and I's shop funds."

"Next," came a cheery voice.

I turned to face an old lady with frizzy, grey hair. Her eyes appeared to be light purple from behind her small rectangular glasses.

I placed my stuff on the counter next to the register and the lady began to ring them up.

"That it, dear?" she asked.

"Yes," I nodded.

She gave me a smile as she packed my stuff into a bag. Then she looked back up at me with curious eyes.

"Do I know you from anywhere?" she asked tilting her head and handing me my candy.

"N-no," I answered nervously.

She nodded, her eyes still studying me.

"Next!" she announced, handing me my bag.

My eyebrows raised curiously and I moved a few feet from the register. As the lady rung up Fred's stuff she kept giving me curious glances. I began to wonder why this lady was so intureiged in me. Was it possible... no. But maybe, she could be like me in the way were we see visions. When she had finished checking Fred, he walked over to me. His arms draped around my shoulders once again as we headed out into the breezy streets.

"Are you ready to go to Zonko's?" he asked with a wide grin.

I smiled. "Yeah."

He gave me a tight squeeze and lead me to a short store. However, on the inside, the short store became four stories higher.

"Wow," I gasped, walking further into the crowded store.

I could hear light explosions and banging from every corner of the room as well as laughter. Fred chuckled at my reaction whilst looking around as I did. Then I heard him begin to sniff the air loudly.

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