Chapter 16

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"Ms. Cooper," Professor McGonagal said behind me.

I sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast with Alex, Dylan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It had been a few weeks since our first Hogsmeade trip. Fred and I were apparently the it couple of Gryffindor house according to Alex. I had also completed all of the schooling I had missed. Hermione had handed in all my work to Dumbledore for him to decide what classes I should be placed in now that I was caught up.

I turned around to face her. "Yes?"

She handed me a sheet of paper. "This is your updated schedule. Ms. Granger's records of your skills in every subject are astonishing. You are much like your mother in that sense."

Smiling sheepishly, I replied, "Thank you."

She smiled curtly and walked towards the teachers' table.

"Can I see it?" Hermione asked. "I just want to see what we have together."

Nodding, I passed it across the table to her. Her eyes scanned the paper, before her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"Wow," she gasped.

"What?" I asked trying to see what she was looking at.

Her eyes tore from the paper. "You got in the high potions class."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Ron spit out the pumpkin juice he was drinking. "The high potions class!"

"Yeah! And high charms, and high transfiguration," she finished. "But I'm in those with you."

"Wow, Bella! You must be really smart. I'm lucky to be in fifth year potions," Harry pointed out.

"What's with the high part?" I asked.

"A high class means your above average and you can learn the year above," Dylan explained.

"But you don't learn with the sixth years," Alex explained, "you learn with other students in fifth year who are like you."

"So basically I'll be the only one there?" I chuckled.

"Well, not exactly," Hermione corrected. "I'm positive that there are a few Ravenclaws in that class."

"What days does she have it?" Harry asked Hermione.

"It's her first class today."

I groaned loudly. "Today is Halloween! It should be a happy day, not a disappointing day!"

I took a sip of my water then opened my mouth to talk again, but only the sound of a dog barking came out. Everyone burst out laughing as my cheeks went pink.

"Hello my barking love," Fred chuckled, walking over and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I growled at him as he sat down next to me.

"Like our new prank? I call it doggy dissolves," Fred asked.

In my attempt to tell him how my I hated the new product, barks echoed throughout the hall which caused the whole room to burst out in laughter.

"Here, have this," he told me with a light laugh, giving me a small light purple cube. "It gets rid of any Weasley product's effects."

Snatching the small cube from his hands, I threw it into my mouth. It was sort of like taffy, but melted in my mouth three times faster.

"How did you get it in my drink?" I asked once the candy was fully gone.

"The name rhymes with Sandra," he answered.

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