Chapter 30

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I inhaled the sent of brown sugar and vanilla then smiled. I was always very fond of this smell. I'm not sure why but I am. I wonder where this scent is coming from. I opened my eyes to find myself wrapped in the arms of a shirtless man.

I had the same reaction to this as any one would, and I pushed him off the bed.

"Bloody Hell," groaned the man... Draco.

He sat up from the ground to see me sitting up straight, on the bed.

"What the hell?" He said.

That's when last night came back to me. Ohhhh.

"Sorry. You scared me. I thought we agreed on staying on our own sides with out actually saying anything," I said.

"I wasn't any wear near you," he groaned rubbing his head.

"Um, yeah. Your arms were wrapped around me."

His pale complexion reddened. "I thought that was a dream."

"Apparently not dreamer boy," I chuckled getting out of the bed. "What time is it?"

"Uhh, six ten," he said.

"Perfect," I said. "I'm going to go back to my dorm to get ready. I'll see you at breakfast."

I turned and headed towards the door.


I turned around we see him jogging over to me.
He placed his hands on either side of my waist and pecked my lips. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to me. I kissed him hard and he kissed hard back. Soon enough we ended back up like how our kissed were in the beginning of the year, with our tongues touching. Hey! Don't judge! If you could feel what I feel right now you would never want to stop.

"Okay," I mumbled.

He didn't stop.

"Okay," I said louder pulling away.

He blushed.

"Before I go, I just want to let you know that you shouldn't be asking to kiss me," I told him. "I mean when we are alone."

"Okay," he said watching my lips.

I pecked his lips, gave him a quick hug then left.
I'm surprise how quickly I got over Fred. Just kidding, we were on the verge of breaking up anyways. He just looks like the jerk who cheated on me now.

I quietly entered the common room and saw Hermione sleeping on the couch with a book in her hands.

I smiled knowing that she was waiting for me to get back, probably hearing why I ran out yesterday.

I quickly ran up to my dorm to get my uniform and cloths which were neatly folded on top of my bed. Thank you house elves. I took then and tip-toed into the bathroom. There is where I took a quick shower, dried my hair, and brushed my teeth. I went back into my dorm and put my dirty cloths in a hamper that was next to my bed.

I grabbed my bag which Hermione put on my bed and exited the dorm.
I found Hermione still passed out in the common room. I took the closed book from her hands and dropped it on her stomach.

"Oof," she groaned. "What the... Bella!"

She jumped off the couch and hugged me.

"You had me worried sick," she told me. "Harry was flipping out when he found out what Fred did. Oh, I'm so sorry about that."

She pulled away from me and I shrugged. "It's okay. Did Harry beat him up?"
"Surprisingly, he didn't, he did punch Seamus."

"What? Why?"

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