Chapter 8

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Keeping on my black sweatpants and green ireland sweatshirt, I put on my slippers.

As I made my way out of the dorm, I tried to be my quietest. Yet once I opened the door, it made the loudest squeaking noise.

All heads turned towards me.

"Thought you where going to bed," Ron commented, watching me suspiciously.

I shrugged. "Couldn't. Thought I would go for a stroll."

"It's almost past curfew," Hermione noted.


"Let her be, guys," Alex sighed. "She probably wants to go look around the castle... without us nagging her."

"But, what about curfew?" Hermione asked.

"When haven't you been past curfew?" Dylan chuckled, causing Hermione to blush.

There was a moment of silence between the couple of us.

"So I'm going to go-"

"Wait," Harry interrupted, "let me get something for you before you go."

He walked past me and into the boys dorm.

"What did you get for number six on the charms homework?" Alex asked me.

"Uhh, I think it is Miranda Goshawk," I told her.

"I don't understand how you know these things so well," she murmured as she wrote down the answer. "Like you didn't know anything a month ago."

"Well, it helps to read the text books over," I snorted.

"Here," Harry said walking out of the dorm and handing me a silky cloak.

"What's this?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

"An invisibility cloak," Harry explained. "It was Dad's, but now it's mine... or ours."

My lips curved into an excited smile. "Thanks, Harry!"

Climbing out of the portrait hole, I wrapped myself in the cloak. Walking towards the entrance of the castle, I realized the doors were closed. But with one light shove, the door opened slightly. Continuing my walk, I saw a candle light beside a tree. In front of the black lake.

Once I made it down to the tree, I pulled off the cloak and folded it.

"Fred, you wrote the note?" I asked.

He had his back up against the tree, looking out along the water. When he heard my voice, he looked up at me and pushing off the tree. Then he shoved his hands into his pockets with a quickly smile.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Believe I had to make it up to you after what happened. Even though I don't know how exactly Harry found out."

I smiled, to reassure him that everything was fine.

"Come and sit!" he told me. "I've brought a basket of goodies!"

He sat down on the grass, tapping on a woven basket. Laughing giddily, I followed his instructions.

"So what do we have here?" I asked, eyeing the basket.

"Chocolate frogs, they didn't have any other kinds of dessert leftovers in the kitchen," he explained taking out a pentagonal box.

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