Chapter 5

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Once the sun was hidden behind the hills - and the train halted to a stop - Fred and George had changed with a tap of their wands. Then the three of us made our way through the crowded corridor. Once we were outside, I got lost in the crowd of people in the small platform.

Even on my tippie-toes I couldn't find Fred or George. Then I started to look for Harry. But I did catch the familiar frizzy hair of Hermione Granger.

"Excuse me," I called, pushing past random people.

Some of the boys I push past continued gaping at me until I was out of sight. Was I really that attractive?

"Hey guys," I said breathlessly, finally catching up to the group.

"Why are those boys staring at you?" he questioned brotherly.

Quickly, I shot him a not right now look.

"You two are dating aren't you?" Dylan asked with a knowing smirk.

This time I gagged aloud. "Yeah, no. I would never date him."

Harry shook his head viciously, agreeing with me.

"Merlin... a guy asks one question," Dylan defended, crossing his arms.

We all were heading toward a carriage, when Harry and I had stopped in front of the horse that was carrying the carriage. It wasn't a normal horse, though. No, this looked like the skeleton of a horse, but black. It's ghostly white eyes watched me as I walked in front of it. Harry examined them with equal curiosity.

"Do you see them?" he asked.


"No," the others said.

Turning around, I noticed they were all staring at us strangely. As if we were mental.

"You don't see the horse things?" I asked pointing my thumb behind me. "They are there. Plain as day."

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked, watching us like crazy people.

"The horse thing. Right here," Harry stated again, like it was obvious.

"You guys are mental," Ron noted. "The carriages pull themselves like they always do."


"Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am," came a dreamy voice. "I can see them too."

Looking over to see who was in the carriage, we saw Ginny and a girl with blonde hair sitting there. Obvious the one who had admitting to seeing the horses was the blonde girl. Her eyes drifted away from Harry and me and landed inside her upside down magazine.

"This is Luna Lovegood," Ginny introduced us. "She's a Ravenclaw in my year."

"Hello, Luna," I greeted, hopping onto the carriage. Luna rested her magazine on her lap and smiled at me. "I'm Bella. Can you tell me what those horse things are?"

"Threshals," she explained. "They can only be seen by those who have seen death."

"Well that explains a lot," Harry commented as he and the rest of the gang piled onto the carriage.

Luna examined me before saying, "That's a particular scar... sort of like..."

In a moment, I quickly fixed my hair so that it covered my scar. I must have subconsciously pushed my hair behind my ear, revealing it. My heart rate picked up as I thought about all that may have seen it.

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