Chapter 22 (currently editing)

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My eyes shot open and I took in a sharp breath of air, realizing water was already being poured down my throat. Sitting up, I began choking on the water.

"I was right!" Alex said in shock. "Who would've thought my idea would have been right! Not Hermione, trynna whip up some concoction, me-" 

"Are you okay, Bella?" Harry asked patting my back, handing me the glass of water I'm assuming they poured water down my thoat with.

Evenning out my breathing, I took a sip and nodded.

"Good, now we need to discuss something," Hermione said, eyeing both Dylan and Alex uneasily.

The two of them became noticalbly uncomfortable, shifting in their seats.

"What?" Ron asked confused from where he sat on the ground next to me.

"Alex, Dylan, take it away," Hermione said sitting on the ground.

"Um, well," Alex began, looking around at the wide eyed house elves surrounding us. "Do you guys mind getting out for a couple of minutes?" 

The group of them blinked before scattering out of the .

"What's happening right know?" Harry asked.

"Dylan and I, have been asked to be recruited by the... the uhh... the... " Alex trailed off.

"The Death Eaters," Dylan finished darkly, avoiding eye contact.

"What?" Harry and Ron yelled in shock.

"It's only because of our fathers," Alex interjected. "And it's not only me, but it's my sister as well."

"Well, not to be rude, but we really don't care about her," Ron stated.

"Yes, I know," Alex sighed as she began twiddling her thumbs. "I'm just saying she's going to be one since she's surrounded by them in Slytherin. I am less likely wanted by them since I'm distancing myself from them. I haven't seen my mother for two years."

"What about you Dylan, can you get out of it?" Harry asked.

His head still down, he shook it. "No, my dad will force me by the end of the holiday."

The six of us sat there in silence.

"Maybe you could be a spy for us?" I suggested.

"I don't know... "

"Just think about it," Hermione pleaded.

"It's not going to be all that easy," he interjected seriously. "And if I'm caught... I'm done for."

The room again fell quiet, it was quite unsettling for my taste. 

I looked up at the clock. "It's almost twelve, lets get going."

Everyone aggreed in unison as we lazily got up from our chairs. We made our way out of the portrait hole of a bowl of fruit all under the cloak as quietly as we possibly could. After a couple turns we were by the stair cases, and as we began making our way up them they began to shift.

"Malfoy alter," Dylan hissed nodding to a blonde headed figure heading to the second corridor.

My eyes drifted over to him as he stopped for a second and glaced in our direction. He stood there for a second before continuing on with his patrol. 

"The Fat Lady is right there," Hermione whispered back as the staircase stopped moving in front of the Fat Lady.//

We all shuffled up to the the steps before it started moving again.

Hidden {Book 1} IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now