Chapter 21

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"Wow, you're quite light, Bella," Ron commented surprisingly, doing a few short squats with me on his back.

"Why is that a surprise to you?" I snapped playfully.

"Ugh... b-because you feel really light?" he stammered.


"I thought you would be as heavy as Alex, but your half as heavy as her!" He blurted.

"Are you calling me fat?" Alex asked, taking the comment literally.

"No! You're like the same height as Bella, so I assumed that would make you the same weight. But Bella is also l-like..." Ron protested.

Alex's mouth opened in order to snap back at him, but Dylan beat her to it.

"Okay, that's enough," Dylan chuckled, putting a hand over her mouth. 

"Yes, I agree," Hermione sighed, hopping onto Harry's back. "We must hurry up. The quicker we get there, the quicker we get back."

Harry's invisibility cloak wasn't that large for all six of us to fit under at once while we snuck out to Hagrid's hut. So Hermione came up with the brilliant idea of piggyback riding our way under the cloak.

"So let's stop complaining and just go," I instructed.

"Hypocrite," Alex muttered getting on Dylan.

The three boys then huddled together as I threw the cloak over us. The boy's feet peeked out from the bottom, but it was only really noticeable if you were on the ground level. Meaning we had to keep a keen eye out for Miss. Norris.

"Dylan get your hands off my butt," Alex said in a normal voice. 

We all shhhed her.

"They are on you're upper thighs, dumbo," Dylan explained in a whisper. "Maybe if you locked your legs around me better I wouldn't worry about having to support more weight then I have to."

"Shhh!" the rest of us hissed louder than the last time. 

I quickly looked around the empty corridors for signs of life.

"All clear," I whispered, giving them the okay to shuffle down to the hut. 

The hut that was commonly found dark and deserted at night, was now flickering with light as a large shadow passed by the window. 

Once we arrived at the doorstep of the stone shack, Harry knocked on the rather large wooden door. The swung open to reveal an eight-foot man, with rather long brown hair and a beard that matched his hair in length. One of his black beetle-like eyes stared right through us while the other was supporting a raw steak.

"'Ello?" he gruffly said. "Who's th're?"

"Hagrid, we are all under the cloak. Step out of the way so we can get in," Alex said.

"How're ye all able to still fit under th're?" he questioned, mostly to himself. He took large steps away from the doorway scolding us on his way. "Ye know, the five of ye should't 'ave come." 

As we shuffled our way in, Ron stepped on the edge of the cloak and fell to the ground. I got off him as he lost balance, causing myself to fall back as the others went forward. The invisibility cloak got stuck under me, which made the others become unconcealed by it. 

"Ói, careful next time Ron!" Dylan moaned getting up stiffly.

"Hagrid!" Hermione and Alex greeted. 

They rushed over to give the giant man a hug.

"'Ello girls!" he smiled happily through his busted lip.

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