Chapter 13

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"So, do you want to know why we got two extra days of tutoring?" Hermione asked once the common room was empty.

The six of us had been sitting in our usual spot by the fire for the past hour, doing homework. Hermione already finished all her homework before helping us with ours.

"Yes!" they stated in union.

"Bella and I have come up with an idea to start a Defense Against the Dark Arts organization. At the beginning of the week, we sent requests out to some students we would like to join us, people we obviously trust. We wanted to tell you guys personally. Our first meeting is on the day of our first Hogsmade trip in October. It's just a sign up," Hermione explained.

They all agreed that this was our best idea hands down. Although, Harry seemed a bit hesitant.

"Who will be teaching?" he asked.

Hermione and I exchanged a nervous glance.

"You," we chorused.

His face hardened as he firmly stated, "No."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Everyone thinks I'm a nutter. Who will listen to a nutter?" he stated.

"Harry, after all the stories I've heard about you and your adventures, your the best for the job!" I protested. "You can do a full patronus for Merlins sake! That's a year seven charm!"

He sighed, looking me dead in the eye. "I'll think about it."

Letting out an obnoxiously loud sigh, I muttered, "Fine."

I sat back in my seat setting my eyes on Harry with a bit of a glare. Out of all the people in this school, I thought Harry would want to get back at Umbridge the most.

"Look!" Dylan announced, pointing towards one of the windows. "There's an owl over by that window."

The group turned around and saw a small gray barn owl tapping on the window. So I got out of the chair to open the window for the owl to fly in. Once it had, it dropped the letter at my feet and flew back out the window. After closing the window, I squatted down to picked it up, only to find that it was a dress to me. I ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Be at the edge of the Black Lake in twenty minutes.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Part of me wanted to say that this was one of Fred's meetings, but I knew better. The hand writing was much to girly for Fred's chicken scratch like writing.

"Is it Fred?" Alex said wiggling her eyebrows. "Does he want to take you out for another picnic?"

She must have been eavesdropping into my conversation with Fred at dinner. I looked up at her and glared.

"Better not be! If it's him, you're not allowed to go," Harry stated sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "Its not him, Harry. Calm down. I'm fifteen, you have no authority over what a do and don't do. And for you're information, I've dated other guys before."

"I know, but I wasn't there to tell you what to do," he grumbled.

"Can I barrow the cloak again?" I asked, changing the subject.

He sighed, hesitating for a second, then got up and jogged up to his dormitory. When he came back down he handed me the cloak.

"You might as well keep it," he sighed.

My eyes brightened. "Really! But it's yours."

He shook his head. "No, it's dad's. So technically, it's both of ours. I've had it for four years now, so you can have it."

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