Chapter 26

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"It wasn't a nightmare," Harry and I said together.

"Then do explain yourselves," Professor McGonagall said motioning to Dumbledore who sat at his desk, looking any where but at Harry and I. It was a bit irritating.

"Well, we were a sleep," I started to explain.

"But it wasn't an ordinary dream," Harry added.

"There was a giant snake, like the size my height -," I explained further.

"And it attacked Mr. Weasley!" Harry cut in knowing I would have rambled on about how it looked.

"How did you see it?" Dumbledore asked, not moving from his seat and keeping his eyes on something behind me and Harry.

"Inside our heads," I said (A/N I know this wasn't even red yet in 1995, but just imagine it okay?) giving him a bitch-what face, "duh."

Harry just seemed irritated Dumbledore wasn't looking at him. I was just irritated because I get ticked off easily and for the smartest guy on earth - or something like that - was asking stupid questions.

"You misunderstood me," Dumbledore told me, making me wish I could take back what I just said. "I meant, how did you see it? Where you looking down at the scene?"

That's an odd question.

Harry shifted uncomfortably. "I was the snake."

"I was just watching from a distance."

Everyone stayed silent till Dumbledore asked the next question.

"Is Arthur seriously hurt?" he asked.

"Yes!" Harry said loudly.

"Nooooo. A snake just bit him repeatedly on the neck, he's fine," I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Dumbledore rose from his chair and hurried over to a painting, his silvery-blue cloak swishing behind him.

"Everard?" Dumbledore called to the man in the painting. "You too, Dilys!"

Everard had a sallow-face and short, black bangs. Dilys was an elderly woman with long silver ringlets. They were both in a deep sleep, but where awoken by Dumbledore.

"Where you listening?" Dumbledore asked them.

Everard nodded and Dilys said, "Naturally."

"Nice to know we have privacy in here," I mumbled to Harry.

"Everard, make sure he is found by the right people," Dumbledore explained. "He has red hair and glasses."

He nodded and motioned for the woman to follow him out of the portrait.

"But Mr. Weasley could be anywhere!" Harry boomed.

Dumbledore plainly ignored him and walked over to McGonagall.

"Go get the other three Weasleys," He told her.

She nodded and hurried out of the office.

"Oie!" I yelled at Dumbledore, that's when he finally looked at me in the eye. "Now you look at me," I mumbled to myself and Harry. "What's happening to us?" I asked him.

He stood there looking into my eyes, more like my soul. "I don't know." Lies.

I glared at him for a second before he went back to not looking at us.

I groaned and turned around and walked over to Alex and Hermione. We didn't talk, but I just needed to be farther away from Dumbledore. He was pushing my nerves, and I did have many. I was either annoyed, extremely mad, or overly happy. Basically bipolar. I'll have to see Madam Pomfry about that one day.

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