Chapter 12

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The rest of that day, the two of us organized the self teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. This organization consisted of a group of students - that we believe can be trusted - that would meet together around once or twice a week. Hermione considered the idea of asking Harry to be our teacher, because he seems to have the most experience with DADA. However, we also knew his personality. Which mean he might not be easily persuaded.

The two of us had unfortunately lost track time, causing us to stay behind later then we usually did. Professor McGonagall of course took notice of this and came to visit us as Hermione began her lesson on dueling. We explained to her that we were behind due to the current homework we were trying to keep up with. She understood, and found it fit that we have Tuesday and Thursday as tutoring sessions along with our Monday and weekend sessions. Now the two of us had more then enough time for the tutoring lessons.

Hermione used this excess time to create a list of people she wanted to include in our organization. She then had me help her write letters to all the students on her list. We mailed them out with the first meeting date being the up coming Hogsmeade trip.

Even after all that, the two of us still had plenty of time on our hands. So I came up with a small concoction to  mess with our beloved teacher.

"Okay children, let's start off with chapter 6 in out textbooks for today," Umbridge announced. "I hope you girls read chapter 5 on the day you two missed this past week."

"We read it,'" Hermione and I mumbled.

"Okay, wands away and lets get start- yes, Miss. Granger?" she asked, tiredly.

I looked over and saw that Hermione's hand was raised. A smirk crept onto my face knowing the torture was about to begin.

"The two of us have already read chapter 6," she informed Umbridge.

Umbridge gave a fake smile that twitched with agitation. "Then go onto the next-"

"Actually," I interrupted, "we've read the whole book."

Everyone stayed silent as their eyes watched of us with amusement. Umbridge looked shocked for a second, yet when she blinked, her sick smile returned.

"Well then, you should be able to tell me what Slinkhard thinks about counter jinxes in chapter 15," she stated smiling, believing she won.

"He says that counter jinxes are improperly named," Hermione stated promptly. "He says 'counter jinxes are just a name people give their jinxes when they want them to sound more acceptable.'"

Umbridge's thin eyebrows raised as she pursed her lips.

"But I disagree," Hermione continued.

A smirk crawled onto my face. "Me, too."

"The two of you... disagree," she reinstated slowly.

"Yes, we do," I confirmed. "We believe Slinkhard didn't really like counter jinxes, did he? But they seem handy in terms of using them defensively."

"You do, do you?" she questioned, forgetting her usually sweet voice. "Well that's Mr. Slinkhard's opinion, not yours."

"But-" Hermione started.

"Enough!" Umbridge screeched standing up from her desk. "Miss. Granger and Miss. Cooper, I will be taking thirty points from Gryffindor house."

"What for?" Harry demanded standing up.

She took a deep breath before smiling over at him.

"Harry, stop and sit down!" I hissed at him. "This was our fight not yours!"

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