Chapter 18

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The next morning, I woke up as I usually did. Drenched in cold sweat due to the memories of the dream I had the night before. A dream where I was heading down a black tiled corridor, and once I was close enough to the door at the end of it, I would suddenly be pulled back.

Over the time being, Hermione was giving me a cold shoulder. I knew that she wouldn't hold that long of a grudge on me. Ron on the other hand... yes.

"Morning, Grinch," I grunted as I stretched my arms out.

Lavender shot me a death look that I smiled sweetly at.

"Bitch," she spit.

"Now, now... Is that anyway to speak to your fellow classmate?" I asked.

She let out a growl and stomped out of the dormitory.

Looking out the window, the sun could be seen still rising through the trees. I knew that it must be around 9 since Hermione wasn't here and Alex was still in a dead sleep. She slept in her usual odd position, with laid faced down and her legs spread out so they hung over the edge of either side on the bed. Her hair was either a tangled mess or matted against the drool that escaped her mouth.

Climbing out of bed, I grabbed some casual cloths and headed into the bathroom. I put my clothes in a small cubby that was next to the showers before getting into the shower. After the initial cleaning, my mind wondered off between the drops of water.

Memories of yesterday flashed behind my eyelids, leaving me with a guilty knot in my stomach. Why is it that I am so torn over the events that had happened between me and Draco yesterday? I in no way asked nor hinted to be kissed by him. So technically, I didn't cheat. But it felt like I was, because there are undoubtedly feels behind that kiss. From both Draco and I.

Overall, what I don't understand is how Draco became so attracted to me. Hell, he has every bitch in Slytherin clinging to him. Why would he possiblely want me out of the whole school? I was out of reach for him - both socially and relationship wise.

Turning the shower off and stepping out, I dried myself off before slipping into a pair of jeans and a maroon long sleeved shirt. With a flick of my wand, my hair begun drying and curling itself as I brushed my teeth.

Once I was back in the dormitory, I returned all my things to their places. Then I wrote out a short letter that I left on my bed that read:

Going out for a quick walk. Should be back by 11.

As I walked out of Gryffindor tower, I realized I wasn't planning on going anywhere. I hadn't really looked around at the castle properly since I first arrived here. I barely got a chance to think with all the people who constantly surrounded me. Not that I minded them though. I just need some space to myself sometimes.

I stopped myself in front of the black lake, and stood there just watching the ripples of wind blow the water. Standing on the edge of the black lake and the forbidden forest, I found myself secluded and alone. My eyes transfigured on the mesmerizing movements, causing me to blank out. Only snapping out of it when I heard dead leaves crunching under someones feet behind me. I snapped my head around quickly, grasping my wand tightly.

"Hey," I heard him say.

My hazel eyes met with his grey ones.

"Hi," I said softly, loosing my grip on my wand.

"Can I talk to you?" Draco asked.

"No," I stated, turning to face the lack once again.

"Why not?" he asked snarly.

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