Chapter 19

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"Isabella Lily Potter, if you don't get out of bed I... I'll, I'll drag you out!" Hermione threatened.

With my face in my pillow, my obnoxious laughed were muffled.

She has already taken off all the sheets, opened the shades, and made sure that the window nearest to me was wide open, blowing cold hair at my body. Little does Miss. Know-It-All realize that I'm wearing a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and socks. This way I would never be cold when I slept.

In all honesty, I didn't want to go out on the field today and play against Malfoy. It wasn't that I didn't want to crush that team to a pulp, I just didn't want to feel him looking at me. Hell, if I could, I would to avoid him forever.

"Alex, can you help me?" Hermione asked frustrated.

"Bella, either you get out of bed or I dump ice cold water on you," she threaten.

Letting out a hesitant sigh, I got out of my bed and began getting ready.

"How did you do that?" Hermione asked.

"I'm more... how do you call it," Alex explained, "persuading."

Hermione rolled her eyes, shaking her head back and forth lightly.

Opening my trunk, I pulled out my maroon jersey with gold lettering. On the front of it had the number 31 in huge writing and on the top in smaller writing said Gryffindor. The back was almost the same except the fact that it said Cooper, not Gryffindor. Also grabbing my uniform pants, maroon socks, and utilities, I headed up to the bathroom.

"I'll be back in fifteen minutes," I told them.

"Five," Hermione pushed.

Glaring at her, I yawned, "Hermione, there is only so much I am capable of... and getting ready under ten minutes is not one of them."

I headed into one of the stalls and quickly changed from my pajamas into my uniform. Then I exited towards the sinks and unzipped my utility bag. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I made sure to cover my light pink scar on my neck with makeup. Before heading back to the room, I brushed my teeth.

Walking back into the dorms, I saw Lavender pulling on a coat.

"Grinch," I sneered.

"Bitch," she snapped.

The room stayed in silent complete silence as I continued on with my own things. I couldn't help but notice as Lavender stood by her bed debating something in her head. After around a minute she seemed so have somewhat made up her mind as she walked out the door.

However, with one foot outside and one in, she stopped. Curiously, I glanced up.

She straightened her slouch and cleared her through softly. "Good luck today, Isabella," she told me.

"T-thanks," I replied in utter shock.

Nodding curtly, she completely left the room.

Narrowing my eyes with furrowed eyebrows at the door, I couldn't help but mutter, "What?"

Leaving my room, I found the common room was just as empty as the dorms. The whole house was pumped to see the match between the two rival teams, as well as the whole school. For word of two new team members had spread pretty fast, especially since one of the knew members was me... the new girl.

"Hey, Bella," Harry greeted as I sat down at Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.


"Mornin'," Fred said, planting a kiss on my temple.

With once glance ahead of me, I made direct eye contact with Draco. He simply smirked at me, seeming to scoff at Fred's actions. I narrowed my eyes before looking away with a slight blush.

"Hi," I smiled, pecking his lips.

"Have I told you how cute you look in your uniform?" Fred asked, pressing his forehead against mine.

Smirking, I looked down at my empty plate before grabbing a piece of toast. "Just about everytime I wear it."

"Jot fa oom," Ron said through a stuffed mouth.

"Honestly, Ronald... how do you expect people to understand you with pig-like behaviors?" Hermione asked, not once glancing up from her book.

"He said 'Get a room' if you wanted to know," Harry explained to me.

"Hee? 'Arry han nunderstand e," Ron directed towards Hermione.

Pieces of his food came out of his mouth and landed on a page in her book. Her eyes darted up to look at him threateningly.

"Having pig-like behaviors isn't just about people understand you," she commented, flicking the food back at him.

"Phat wevther," Ron rolled his eyes.

I buttered my toast whilst watching them with amusement.

"You're eating more then just toast, right?" Dylan asked me when they had finished their spat.

"Nope," I replied simply.

"You need to eat more!" He began yelling, piling some eggs and bangers onto my plate. "You need more energy if we are going to win!"

Groaning annoyedly, I stuck my fork into a banger before taking a large bite out of it.

"Happy?" I asked him.

"Finish the plate then we will discuss my feelings towards you."

As I finished up my plate, we continued on with casual conversation. There was a constant nagging in the back of my head to look over to the other side of the hall, but I successfully ignored it until Angelina came over hastily.

"Guys!" she yelled. "I need you six to come down to the Qutditch pitch now! You are already so late!"

"Sorry, Ang," I apologized, immediately standing on my feet, pulling Fred up with me. "We're right behind you."

I gave the boys still sitting a urgent and threatening motion for them to get up. Once they had, we broke out in a walk-jog towards the exit of the Great Hall. Angelina gave me a thankful glance before following us out of the castle.

When we arrived at the Quidditch locker rooms, each of
us going into our own lockers and pulling out our brooms hastily. My brand new firebolt was prepped and ready for its first official game today, as was I. Even if my nerves got the best of me, I knew my skills would save me in the long run.

"Okay," Angelina said catching her breath. "So chasers, let's throw around the quaffle. Beaters, you throw golf balls for Harry to practice."

We all nodded. I heard that Oliver, the old captin, had these long speeches. Angelina's were quick. They mostly consisted of, play your best and Ron get a grip you'll do fine.

I found it hilarious how he always turned white as we entered the crowded stadium.

A/N: I'm really sorry it took so long! I really am! I got my phone back, then had to go on a camping trip. I would have brought my phone, but if the teachers found it they would take the phone and our candy away. And I heard the food there was awful, so I didn't risk the chance.

Sorry it's a bit short. The next chapter is going to be the game. It might take a while, but deffenently not two weeks.

I'm dedicating this chapter to @twins2b because he/she really wanted me to update!

Btw, I have posted two new books. So don't expect updates to be frequent for any of them. I did post that ghost book though. It's called Free Yourself. The other is a Nash Grier FanFiction, if you know who he is. Please check them out!

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