Chapter 20

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"Like I said before... this is our time," Angelina started.

We were back in the locker room and Angelina was now giving her official speach. Other then the heavy breathing from everyone on the team, the whole room was silent. Our short warm up gave us the sense of weather we would be playing in. Although, the cool air was sometimes painful to breath in whilst out of breath, the November air was overall nice to play in. I use to hate playing girls high school soccer in November's raw air, but this was different. In Quidditch, we could layer our clothes - in fact it was encouraged - but in soccer, our legs were mostly open from the shorts.

"We have everyone we need in this room," she told us. "The perfect seeker... the witty chasers... the aggressive beaters... and our new keeper who isn't afraid to use his head."

The group of us laughed, thinking back to his try outs. Ron's ears began to turn slightly pink.

"So I don't want to hear about anyone's wavering confidence," Angelina continued. "I believe in each and everyone of you, and I hope you feel the same about me. Now, lets go out there and kick some snake arse!"

There was a overwhelming whooping of excitement through out the group. The twins began to fist pump the air and get everyone riled up as Angelina laughed with encouragement.

"Have I told you how much more I love Angelina as our coach?" Dylan grinned at me.

"Like ten times," I chuckled.

"We have around five minutes till we will be called onto the field. So use this time to go to the bathrooms and get last drinks... but don't go far!" Angelina reminded us.

The team disbursed around the small room. I made my way over to my locker that was near the exit to the locker rooms. Opening it to grab my water bottle, a voice drifted through the air that caused me to tense up.

"Pist!" it whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

My heart began to race out of its chest as I hastily shut my locker and turned to Harry.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Tell Ang if she asks," I told him.

Not waiting for a response, I walked out of the locker room. With one turn out of the door way, I ran into Draco. My eyes flashed towards him dangerously.

"Hey," he smirked.

I roughly grabbed his jersey, pulling him into the nearest broom closet.

"What the actual hell?" I seethed.


"Why are you here?" I asked furiously. "I told you to leave me alone."

His smirk quickly fell into an equally frustrated look. "Can't I wish you good luck?"

"Don't be stupid," I snapped. "We both know that you are only here to try to get in my pants or something."

"Not true," he growled. "I'm here to wish you good luck because I do hope you do well."

"Why?" I questioned. "I'm on the opposite team and a Gryffindor. Why do you want me to do well?"

"Because I like you."

"You barely know me!" I scoffed.

A light blush brought color to his pale stubborn face. "That maybe true, but it still doesn't stop me from liking you."

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