Chapter 6

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"Get up everyone!" said an unfamiliar, cheery voice.

Picking up head up slightly to see the ticking clock on my bedside table, it read 5:54am. Groaning, I rolled my eyes at the cheery voice.

"Who the hell is waking us up hours before breakfast?" I muttered.

"Lavender," Alex spat.

I leaned up, supporting my body with one arm. A girl with curly brown hair stood by the bed across from me, glaring her eyes towards me.

"You're Potters new girlfriend, aren't you?" she spit.

My eyes formed into slits. "No, I'm not his girlfriend. May I ask why you are glaring at me?"

She flipped her hair, placing a hand on her hip. "Because, if you're close with Potter, then you must believe he-who-must-not-be-named is back."

Giving her my best bitch face, I said, "Why do you care what I do and don't believe in? I don't remember asking for your opinion. But now that I've got it, I really wish that I wouldn't have gotten it."

She continued glaring at me before grabbed her bag and stomped out of the room.

"Nice to meet you too!" I called after her sarcastically.

"Um, sorry about her," a voice called softly from the other side of the room. "A lot of people don't want to believe he is back."

Looking over at her I saw she was a short Indian girl, her long brown hair in a pony tail.

She smiled shyly at me, "I'm Parvati Patil, by the way."

Giving her a toothless smile back, I said, "Isabella Cooper. Nice to meet you. Can't say the same for your friend though."

"I know, but you've got to see it from her perspective," she commented, sticking up for her friend. "You know, I've heard you transferred from Beauxbatons. Must be beautiful there. But that's all the way in France, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Weird," she sighed studying me curiously. "You don't seem to have an accent."

"'Cause I was born here. Moved to France right before I could start here," I explained the lie easily. "But my father recently got his old job back, so we moved back."

"Oh cool!" she said with a grin. "Well, I best be off to class. See you guys then."

She gave the three of us a smile before following in her friend's footsteps.

I looked towards Hermione and Alex. Hermione's eyebrows were raised, but she looked like she wasn't shocked as she continued packing her things for the day. Alex - on the other hand - was hiding behind a pillow were she was obnoxiously laughing about the previous events.

I grabbed a few of my things before heading up to the bathrooms. Girls all ages were getting ready in their own stalls. Once I had finished dressing, I brushed my hair and teeth. I left my hair down in order for no one to see the scar on my neck, leaving questions out of the way.

When I returned to the room, Hermione had already left while Alex sat on her bed playing with her wand

"Ready?" she asked.

Ginny was right, Alex had seemed to return to a less depressed state once we returned to Hogwarts. I believe that it was most likely Dylan. The two seemed inseparable.

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