Chapter 2

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"Hold your stuff with one hand, and with the other, grab mine," Dumbledore instructed.

Not wanting to delay any time, I grasped his hand and tightly clutched the handle on my trunk.

In the matter of seconds, everything went black and my body felt as if it was being pushed by walls from every direction. My stomach churned as the air seemed to have gotten knocked out of my lungs. In the meantime, my eyes where being forced to the back of my head, while my ear drums were being squeezed into my skull. When we finally landed on solid ground, my knees buckled and I dropped to the floor.

I looked up towards Dumbledore, he was still standing looking down at me with a small smirk and a twinkle in his blue eyes.

Pressing my back against a dark wall and asked, "How are you not on you knees?"

He smiled, "I've been apparating for years."

"Of course," I mumbled nodding and looking around the claustrophobic hallway. "Oh god, I feel like I'm going to puke."

"Don't worry," Dumbledore assured me, "if you haven't yet you probably won't."

"That's awesome," I breathed with sarcasm.

The hallway was not only tight, but it also had very little light. Every ten feet, there was a oil light that was shedding only the right amount of light for me to see the end of the hallway. The walls were painted a deep purple with a black wood paneling. At the end of the hallway was the outlining of a door that sounded like large crowd of people were on the other side.

A sudden feeling washed over me and I started to feel bile rise in my throat. Closing my eyes, I laid the back of my head against the wall.

"Dumbledore! What are you doing here? And... who is this?" gasped a woman, her last few words coming out in a whisper.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a short and stocky woman with golden-red hair, looking at me.

"This is Isabella Potter, Molly. I have just explained everything to her," he informed her. "Is Harry here yet?"

"Um, no-no. He should be any minute now, though," she told him in the same whisper. "Isabella Potter? Why did you decide to bring her now?"

"Sitting right here people," I pointed out weakly.

"We'll talk later, Molly. Goodbye," Dumbledore said, nodding towards both of us.

There was a loud popping noise and he was gone. The woman helped me up to my feet and pulled out a stick- I mean wand. She flicked it side to side and - next thing I knew - my stuff had vanished. She looked up and must have seen my confused expression because she simply explained to me that she had apparated them to my room with a smile.

"I'm Molly Weasley, but please call me Molly," she greeted, shaking my hand gingerly. "My husband, a few others, and I are preparing for a meeting. But there are a few other kids your age here. Mostly my own, but two of them are not."

"Should I go to them or do you need to lay down some house rules?" I asked politely.

She gave me a loving smile, "Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine. The rules around here are most likely the ones you already know. You could head up to Ron's room. It's the third floor, second door to the left."

"There is a third floor?" I asked amazed.

Mrs. Weasley chuckled at my response, "Yes. There are actually four floors, dear. Now off you go."

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