Chapter 25

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No one was in the common room when I got back, except a few first, second, and third years.

They all made me uncomfortable with their little eyes watching my every move, then making little notes in their heads. I'm flattered they look up to us older kids and everything, but seriously. I'm nothing special. That made me laugh in my head. I'm nothing special, just the girl who lived, twin sister to the famous Harry Potter.

I walked over to the girls dormitory door, opened it up, and walked up the steps, two by two.

Once I was in my empty dorm room, I unwrapped my bloody bandage. Once the air hit my open wound, I let out a hiss of pain. with my heathy hand I opened one if the drawers in my bed stand, and took out a thin vile with a skin coloured liquid in it. I grasped it on my hand and ran up to the bathroom.

I went over to a sink and held my bleeding hand over the sink as I opened the cork top with my back teeth. I spit the cork out into the sink. Then I took the open vile and poured it onto my raw hand. I let out a small scream as pain seared through my hand like I was pouring acid on my hand instead of a potion. This potion I was pouring on my hand instantly stopped bleeding and healed cuts. But the scars stayed.

I washed my off the dried blood on my skin then grabbed the empty vile and cork. I shoved them into my pocket. Then I walked out of the bathroom and back into my dorm. I sat down on my bed and pulled out some homework.

By the time I finished my 50 page essay for potions, practiced some of my charms, and mastered at transfiguring a pillow into a frame and back, they still weren't back and the moon was all ready in place.

I flopped onto the bed and let out a groan.

"I guess I'll have to go to bed," I sighed.

Look at me, I'm taking to my self, I though.

I changed into my pajamas and crawled into my bed. I curls up into the fetal position and fell asleep.


I was in a black and white room. Black on my right, white on my left. I stood right on the line that divided the colors.


I turned to my right and saw Fred. I smiled.


I was about to walk over to the black side of the room when another voice called my name.


I turned to my left. There was Draco in the white.

Wait, what? Wouldn't Fred be in the white? White means good and black means bad. So shouldn't they be switched?

'Bella, come here, please. He's going to hurt you,' Draco pleaded.

'Don't listen to him Bella,' Fred scoffed, 'He's a Slytherin."

'Bella, please," Draco said softly walking towards me while Fred made no effort to come get me.

I stood there, unable to choose.

'Bella, I love you, and I need you to stay with me... safe,' Draco confessed.

Just like that, I pulled Draco into a kiss.

Then he melts out of my arms, litterly. I opened my eyes and gasped.

I was in a new room, and it was huge. It seemed to go on forever, with rows of shelves that looked like sky scrapers. On these shelves, I saw crystal balls with a silvery/white smoke inside. Each was about the size of my palm. There were millions of them, but only one captured my attention. The one with mine, Harry's, and Voldemort's name underneath it. I walked up to it my hand out stretched trying to grab it.

'Isabella,' a voice hissed.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. 'Who's there!'

Then a loud scream came from not far away. The scream was from a man.

I took one last glance at the mysterious crystal ball before running towards the sound of screams.

When I finally found the source of the screams, I saw something horrifying. Mr. Weasley was on the floor bleeding badly while being attacked by a giant snake.

'Stop!' I screamed capturing the attention of the snake.

It's eyes weren't normal, they had my eyes. My emerald green eyes. Harry. Then the snake seemed to smirk.

'Isabella,' it hissed.

Then my eyes rolled back and I passed out.


"Isabella wake up please!" Alex cried.

My eyes snapped open. And I wasn't lying in my bed anymore. I was standing. A quill in my hand, well it was till I saw what I wrote.

Death. Injury. Kill. Tear. Rip. Take.

"Mr. Weasley," I said shakily, "h-hes in danger."

I turned around and saw Hermione and Alex looking at me. Lavender and Parviti sat on their beds looking both tired and curious.

"Come on," Alex whispered taking me and Hermione's hands. She pulled us out of the dorm and into the common room, where Harry was sweating like mad being followed by Ron and Dylan.

"You two?" he asked.

I nodded.

Then Professor McGonagall walked in. Nice timing Mikki G. "What is going on here?"

"Mr. Weasley is in danger!" Harry and I said together.

A/N: I updated in a week people!!! Ok so I'm going to make this short.

I'm going to wait
for at least 18 votes on this chapter and I'm posting a new book for defendant... soon. Just keep and eye out, it might be tonight.

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