Chapter 24

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The six of us walked outside for the first time to get to Hagrid's first lesson since he's been back. I find it weird that he's starting now and not when he first came back. I'm guessing Umbridge wanted him to look heathy to teach because all his bruises and cuts are gone.

"Oh, my Jesus! It's so freaking cold!" I wined pulled my winter coat closer to me.

"I know," Alex also wined as she huddled in closer to me.

"You two look like penguins," Ron commented making everyone but Dylan laugh.

He's been really distant since November. He barely talks, let alone laughs. The only person who can get him to speak is Alex. He's grown his bangs out. It doesn't look good or bad, I prefer him like he use to be.

We made it to Hagrid's hut with the Slytherins and the rest of the Gryffindors just in time, despite the fact that Alex and I suffered all the way through it without anyone really caring.

"Hagrid, please can we go inside for today's lesson?" I begged him with chattering teeth.

"Nope," he said.

"Why not?" Alex wined. "It's so cold out!"

He chuckled to himself. "It's warmer in the forest anyways."

"The forest?" Draco asked astonished, stepping out of his little group. "As in the Forbidden Forest?"

"O' course. There isn' any other forest," Hagrid chuckled.

"But it's forbidden," Pansy sneered.

"Piss off, pig-snout!" I snapped.

"Mudblood!" she said loudly.

"That name doesn't faze me because I'm a Half-Blood retart!" I hissed.

She looked disappointed because she could not think of any names for me. Except filthy half breed. But that doesn't make sence because both my parents where wizards. I caught a quick look at Draco who looked surprised. Like I should have told him.

"Okay, enough," Hagrid said pushing me away from her. "Lets start heading into the forest."

I glared at the pig and headed into the Forest.

"I can not believe her!" Hermione hissed as her and Alex came to my sides.

"What are you going to do?" I sighed. "At least we don't have every class with her."

"True," Hermione.

"So," Alex sighed, "hat do you think we are learning in the forest that we can't learn in the school?"

"Who knows?" I laughed.

"Eww!" Lavander screeched pointing at a dead cow.

"It's just a cow," I laughed.

"But it's dead!" she wimpered covering her ears (seriously what good would that do). "There are a bunch if flies around it and it's guts are everywhere! It's just eww!"

"Plus, it smells," Parvati added holding her nose.

"Well the smells attracts the thestrals," Hagrid explained. (ok just a quick thing here for anyone who watches doctor who. Who else reads explain then hears a darlek in your head yelling 'explain! explain!' Lol don't judge)

"I got your note saying your class would be taking in the woods," a sickly voice said. "Now, why would that be?"

"So we can see the thestrals," Hagrid explained to Umbridge was was wearing a long, pink wool over coat and held a clipboard, "or at least a few o' us." His eyes fell onto Harry and I.

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