Chapter 4

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A pillow hit my head. "Wake up, Bella! We have to be ready before ten."

I groaned externally turning in my bed. "5 more minutes."

"It's 9:33-" Alex noted.

"Oh, bloody hell," I gasped rising out of bed quickly.

I grabbed my things and hurried into the bathroom.

It had already been a few weeks since I had first arrived here at Grimmauld Place. In the time, I had spent a lot of my time with the twins. They were always open for my help with help in creating their candies for their soon to be prank store. Harry, Ron, and Hermione spent a lot of time by themselves. But every now and then when they came out I got to talk to them. Alex stayed in our room, but came out every night with me for dinner. Ginny also stayed in her room, keeping to herself writing to her 'boyfriend'. Although she did steal me from the twins every now and then for some one on one girl talk. I think she opened up to me so quickly because I reminded her of a possible big sister.

Sometimes, I would keep myself separated from everyone for a couple hours a day. Finding an empty room, I sat down and attempted bringing my magic forth. I was able to do things like light fires and move water with simple hand gestures, but that was mostly it. And even those took a lot of energy out of me. But I never was able to perform magic from my textbooks. I believe it was because I was suppose to use my wand for all of them. However, I was apprehensive about the possibility of witnessing memories of my mother. I'm not sure that I'm ready to accept the fact that my parents aren't my real parents yet.

Snapping myself out of the daze, I finished changing into a grey tank top and jeans. I forced my feet inside my black chuck taylor's, and threw on a pink sweatshirt jacket.

Then I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room. Packing the things I just changed out of I began to look around for my kitten.

"Alex, have you seen Snow?" I asked, looking under my bed.

"Oh yeah, her and Ced went into his crate. Those two are like best friends, huh," she informed.

"Yeah," I chuckled, brushing off the dust.

I walked over to her crate, and pulled my kitten out of it. Then I placed her back into her own crate.

Suddenly, a deathly scream that came from down the hallway. In mere seconds, I ran out of my room and toward the scream. Just one floor down was Mrs. Weasley. Her face was pale pointing her wand at a dead Harry.

That's when I screamed. There was foot steps and a hand was laid on my shoulder. When I turned around Harry was looking over me.

"H-harry?" I stuttered looking back to where the dead Harry was.

But when I looked back, there were the twins' corpses on the floor. My heart began pounding as I attempted to try to identify which was which. I quickly decided the one closer to me was Fred mad my throats tightened.

"It's a boggart," Harry said allowed.

"Ridickulus," Mrs. Weasley whimpered.

"Whats a boggart?" I asked, shakily.

The dead bodies morphed into a body shaped black fabric and retreated into an empty cupboard. Goosebumps arose along my arms and the hair of the back of my neck stood up.

"They are creatures that show you your biggest fear. But know one knows what they really look like," Harry informed me as we walked back to our rooms.

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