20: Come Fly With Me

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Also, I'm actually THE WORST at updating. Thanks for putting up with this.
Josh's POV

I heard our apartment door open and I hopped off the couch. I walked over to wrap Tyler in a hug.

"Hey," Tyler said. He laughed before kissing my cheek. "How was your day?

"It was okay," I said. I pulled back enough to see his face. He had a cute smile on his lips and I kissed it gently. "How was yours?"

"Pretty good," he said. I let him go and he sat on the couch. He began unlacing his shoes. "Except Maggie quit today."

"What? Why?" I sat on the other end of the couch facing him.

"I don't know. Greg told us this morning. He said he's gonna pick one of us to be the new junior manager."

"That's cool. Do you think it'll be you?"

"I don't think so," he sighed. "Everyone there has been working longer than me." He turned so his body was facing me, his legs in my lap.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"It's cool." He rubbed is eyes. "What do you wanna do for dinner?"

"How about I make some pasta?" Tyler smiled. "I'll get it started." I kissed him before walking into the kitchen.

I heard music start to play. I filled a pot with water and turned on the stove. Tyler started to sing along.

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
If you can use some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

I got out another pot. I grabbed the sauce and the box of noodles from the cupboard. Tyler's voice mixed with Sinatra's so well. I could hear his smile.

Once I get you up there where the air is rarified
We'll just glide, starry-eyed
Once I get you up there I'll be holding you so near
You may hear angels cheer 'cause we're together

I felt Tyler's hands on my waist. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms over his shoulders. We swayed to the tune. I smiled up at Tyler as he sang to me.

It's perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

He twirled me and I laughed, falling into his chest. He kissed the top of my head. I pulled away and connected our lips. He pulled me closer against his body. Our lips moved together like words to a song. I slid my tongue along Tyler's lips. He opened his mouth slightly, allowing me entrance. I turned my head to deepen the kiss.

There was a sizzling sound and Tyler pulled away. I caught my breath. It took me a bit to realize what the sound was.

"Shit," I muttered. I turned back to see the water boiling over. I turned down the stove.

"I'm sorry that I'm so distracting!" Tyler teased.

He's not wrong.


I ate a forkful of the pasta. Tyler hummed in delight as he ate.

"This is so good, Josh!" His smile was warm.

"Thanks. It didn't really take much skill."

"Sure it did!" I brought another bite to my mouth. "So I've been thinking."

"What about?"

"About music. Specifically my music." I cocked my brow. "What if I were to start performing?"

"Wow. Are you sure you're comfortable with it? I mean, I'm all for it, but I don't want you to be scared."

"I think I'll be okay. I'm ready to let people hear what I've created." I smiled wide at him. I was so proud of him. "I'm gonna start by uploading random songs online I think and then see if I can get some gigs."

"I'm excited for you." I reached my hand across the table to hold Tyler's. I squeezed it gently. Reassuringly.

This is kind of short. I wanted a bit of fluff and a way to introduce the next step in Ty's life.

Thanks for all of the great response I'm getting on "Earbuds"
I was nervous at first because it's a way different format than my other fics, but it's doing really well. I'll try to not let it get in the way if this story though.

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