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I didn't miss all the evil glares Tom was giving me already. But I was winning and I was going to keep it that way.

You see this morning I woke him up a different way. A lot of teasing to make him have to much lust to deny.

So as part of my plan I left before he could do anything. Now he had to deal with his lust all alone.

I knew he wanted me. I always wanted him. But he would have to wait.

Which was the ultimate punishment to say the least. Me I smiled as I talked with all the others.

That whole day I escaped him and his touch. But I was bound to run into him eventually.

And he was smarted then he looked to be. I was at the dinner table and the only open seat was next to him.

So I sat as I smiled softly as he smiled back. But I feared what he was going to do.

I crossed my legs as we all got our food and started to eat. But about half way though I came back from the bathroom.

Where I could vividly feel his hand on my exposed thigh. It was slow and cautious but warming up my body.

He rubbed his thumb on the inside of my thigh. He talked like he wasn't doing anything and I was keeping a straight face.

But as he moved closer and closer to between my legs I was losing control.

My body turning on the inside for him warmth spreading through me. He knew what he was doing to me.

As his fingers were very long and very slow as they found there destination. I felt how reactive I was.

I know he did too as he pressed a finger over my underwear. I couldn't make a sound or they'd know.

So I took another bite of my food as I ate slowly. Almost biting my tongue as I tried to stay quiet.

But thank the heavens I was done as I stood up and took my plate. Taking a deep breath as my core was bad enough now.

He was clever as I sat down again and he didn't make any attempts to do anything again. He was doing his own teasing.

When I got changed for bed I had actually changed my underwear. Trying to stay some what clean.

But I didn't get the chance to do much that night. I heard a knock.

"Come in." I said as I was in the bathroom.

But did walk out of it as I didn't get to say another thing. Because at the first second he could Tom kissed me.

With such a lust it was shocking. My lips moving with his quickly. My hands all down his back.

He pushed my back against the wall as I moaned in his mouth. It was just enough force it didn't hurt.

But it was even more pleasure as I kept kissing him. He quite frankly didn't seem to care either.

As he very literally ripped my tank top in half. It fell off my torso easily as he moved down my neck.

Biting and sucking with no mercy as I moaned. But he didn't leave any marks on my body.

I stuck against the wall wrapped my legs around him. Thinking i would be nice not ripping his shirt.

Throwing it aside as he found my sweet spot and I moaned loudly.

"Thought it was all fun with your teasing." He said in my neck as I just about died.

"But now it's my turn to get you back for every single second of it." He said as I moaned loudly.

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