"You have plans today." I asked Brody as he shook his head.

"Not that I know of no." He said as I smiled.

"Good then, were going out today. We have a date." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

"Alright." He said as I grinned kissing him quickly.

"Come on then." I said as he took my hand.

"Hey you almost ready." Tom asked as he stopped.

"For what." Brody asked as I stood next to him.

"The meeting, in like an hour and a half." Tom said as it finally hit him and I knew what was going to happen.

They warned me as I finally noticed a grumpy looking Sydney.

"I thought that was tomorrow." He said as Tom shook his head.

"They changed it." Tom said as he sighed.

"But I was going out with her." He said gesturing to me.

"I'm sorry, but you know it's not my choice." Tom said as I noticed how he was holding Sydney there.

"What's wrong with her." I asked as he looked at Sydney.

"She's grumpy because we had plans I had to reschedule." Tom said as she glared at him.

"So anyways." He waved his free hand as I sighed.

"Go." I let his hand go free from my own.

"We can do it after, we won't be super long." Brody said as I shrugged at his words.

"Have fun." I said "I'll be here when you get back."

He didn't seem to want to leave as he kissed me softly.

"I'll be back soon." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah." I said as he grinned and squeezed my fingers.

"We'll do it after, I promise." He said back.

"Just forget it." I said as he went to walk away Tom talking to Sydney.

Who didn't look happy at all as Tom smiled at her.

"I love you." He said against her mouth as she had a blank face.

He kissed her again as her eyes did shut. He smiled again as he gave her a final kiss.

She didn't say it back to him as he let her go. When he was gone we went our separate ways.

I went to his bedroom and she probably went to Tom's. I laid on bed very depressed for hours.

He returned at 4 as he opened the door. I was staring at his ceiling.

"Hey, I was looking for you." Brody said as he closed the door.

"Here I am." I muttered as he sat next to me.

"Well you should wipe off that frown already." Brody said "We have some plans."

"What plans." I asked confused as he poked me.

"Your date remember, so where are we going." He asked as I sighed and looked away.

"Nowhere." I said back as he frowned facing me.

"No I promised we'd do it after I got back and it's still daylight." He said moving my body.

"I don't want to do it, I want to wallow in my own self pity." I said as he shook me again.

"We aren't gonna be sad, we are gonna be happy and go have fun." He said as he moved me "But can't you tell me where we're going."

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