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It had been a few weeks and I was in the house. When I heard a walking and I turned.

I smiled brightly as I saw the black fur of Tom's wolf.

"Tom." I said as I moved to his body and he looked at me.


"What are you doing like this." I asked as I sat on the couch.

He sat by the end of the couch as I pet him.

I was running but then someone wanted to come see you.

I smiled a little as I bent near his furry body.

"I missed you too Tom's wolf." I said as I hugged him quickly.

He gave a wolf smile as I sat on the floor next to him. But I was pretty tired as I pet him slowly.

You seem tired

"I am." I replied as I blinked slowly at him.

So go lay down

"I don't want to leave you all alone." I said as he moved his head closer.

I can shift back, or worse comes to worse I can lay with you.

"On the couch." I asked as he shook his head.

Not aloud like this. I'll lay on the floor and you can sleep on the couch

"Can you even stay a wolf for that long." I asked as he nodded at me easily.

Up to six hours.

I grabbed a pillow and a blanket as I set it near his furry head.

What are you doing?

"I'm laying with you." I said as I looked at him.

You don't have to do that

"I want to, now lay with me. I want to see how good of a pillow you are." I said as he shook his head but moved.

Fine, but I didn't make you do this

I smiled as I laid on his body which was very warm. Covered in a blanket as he laid next to me.

Curling in a ball as I used the pillow and part of his fur. It was nice and warm.

Also very comfy. I easily fell asleep in his body. It was nice actually. Not moving but to stay close.

Even in wolf form I was watching as she slept peacefully.

"Tom, why is Sydney asleep on the floor next to you." Dad asked as he sat down.

"She was very insistence that she got to sleep next to me." I said over the mind link.

"Must've been, she looks very peaceful." He noted as I looked down at her body.

Curling into my own as she kept herself close.

"She's sleeping pretty well so, I told her to sleep on the couch but she wouldn't listen to me." I said to him as he nodded.

Sydney mumbling softly as she moved closer to me. So her head was near my neck.

"Her entire body is just barely bigger then your wolf." He said laughing as I laughed in my head.

"It is kinda funny." I said as my front paws reached out above my face.

Blocking Sydney as she was inside my torso. Curled so you barley saw her unless you looked.

The Witch and the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now