The first dance

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I arrived eat the ball as I nodded at the guard. Tom was one of the first I saw in a black suit.

"Oh you look beautiful." Ellie said as she hugged me.

"Thank you." I smiled as she let me go.

"I love your dress." I said as she smiled back.

"You too." She smiled as I smiled back.

She left me and I let her go as I stood there.

"You can clean up nice." Brody said as I smiled softly.

"You too." I said as I saw his tie was crooked a little.

Grabbing it and fixing it so it perfectly straight.

"Thanks." He smiled softly "I was in a rush."

"It wasn't bad, I'm just a bit of a details kinda girl." I said as I laughed gently at him.

"You look very handsome." I said kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Sydney." He said as I smiled at him briefly.

"Can I steal her for a minute." Tom asked as he was next to us.

"After you Alpha." He said as Tom was in front of me.

"Hi to you to Tom." I said as he smiled at me.

"You look amazing." He said as I smiled softly.

"Your not so bad yourself." I said as he laughed gently.

"I literally threw this on at the like the last 30 minutes." He said as he adjusted the tie.

"I was in such a rush I almost for my bra." I said as he snorted covering his mouth.

"That would be awkward." He said as I nodded.

"Oh yeah it would, free the nips." I said as he laughed.

"Yeah let's not do that." He said as he moved uncomfortably.

"Oh you don't like the idea, I should defiantly go take it off now." I said crossing my arms.

His eyes going to my chest quickly.

"Well lot of starers and I don't feel like fending them off." He said as I raised a eyebrow.

"I can take care of myself." I said as he smiled.

"I'm quite aware, would like to dance with me." He asked holding out a hand.

"Maybe, I'm sure there is many suitors for me." I countered his eyes hitting my exposed leg.

In the blue heels.

"And I'm proud to be the first." He said as he took my hand.

Leading me to the floor as he placed his hands at my waist.

"Who says you will be my suitor, I can go find any guy you know." I said as my arms wrapped around his neck.

I moved side to side with him as he smiled softly.

"I'm sure you can looking like that." He said as he spun me my arm in the air.

I landed back in his chest as his arms wrapped around me.

"So what's to stop me." I asked as my hands went towards his neck.

"Nothing." He replied as we kept moving side to side.

But it was surprisingly fun as the dance ended. I looked at his face as I looked around.

Offering a small smile as I left his arms.

I went to the bar leaning over it as I took the drink. Finishing it quickly to wink at the bar tender and walk away.

An hour later I was standing as I felt a hand on my back softly.

"Can I borrow you for a few." The voice of Tom said as I looked that way.

His hand very warm too.

"Sure." I said as he smiled and left his hand on my back.

Lesson me away softly as we went down the halls. Then up the stairs as I sat on his bed. 

"I thought you'd need a break." He said as I nodded.

Taking off my shoes as I let them fall to the ground.

"That tired." He asked as I sat up and stood in front of him.

"Actually no, but there is something we could do." I said as I smiled standing right in front of him.

"Sydney, that is not why we're here." He said as he took my hand off his chest.

"Why not make an adjustment." I said as I grabbed his tie.

Pulling him down to my level as his eyes went around his face.

"Because your adjustment takes time and concentration." He said as he grabbed my hand softly.

"I never said it was a long one, I said one better if it was two." I said back keeping my grip.

"We both know we don't do short easily." He said as he took my wrist and put it on my side.

"Hmm, you do always tell me no." I said as I turned around.

"Do not put the blame on me because you are ungodly horny." He said as I smiled softly.

"Your right." I said as he smiled at my words "I'll just find someone else."

"Brody, oh Julian with those deep brown eyes." I said as I bite my lip his smile falling.

"Wonder what he's hiding under those pesky clothes." I said as he raised a eyebrow and I grinned.

"Is that a threat." He asked as I nodded.

"Defiantly, if you won't give it to me someone will." I said "That's the way I think of it."

"You trying to tell me something." He said as I smiled.

"No." I said as I stood with my heels now.

"Thanks for the get away but I should be getting back." I said as I pulled up my dress.

I went to walk away but I don't think he liked that. Making some kind of sound as he grabbed my arm.

Pulling me back into the room as his lips were on mine. My eyes shut as I was trapped by his arms.

Grabbing his tie as I pulled him dangerously close. Slipping out of the high heels again.

He had my body right against the wall as he kissed me roughly. I had gotten him where I wanted him.

He had to much desire and the thought I'd go to someone else. As my mouth and tongue moved with his.

My hands pulling at the tie as I threw it to the ground. My hands rushing for his buttons on his shirt.

Not before I tugged it roughly from under the belt. My fingers pretty quick as I moved through them.

When I was done it fell open exposing his torso. I pulled at it on his shoulder as it came off one side.

But my breath was to low as I gasped for air quickly. Back to his lips as he moved towards my neck.

My head turning as I let out a shaky breath. His mouth was quick and rough but never left a mark on me.

As I got rid of his shirt his hands went towards the back of my dress. He worked on the zipper as my hands explored.

His entire torso as he groaned in my mouth. My nails scratching his abs as my dress fell to the floor in a pile.

My legs wrapped around him as he went down my neck. I moaned out at his lips as I went towards his dress pants.

They fell as he stepped out of them and we hit the bed. I easily caved my back arching.

His torso pressed against me and he was very warm. His mouth over riding my senses as he kissed me.

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