Not likely

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"What are we doing here." Ronnie asked as I smiled.

"We are learning to shift." I said as her eyes changed.

"No I don't want to, not again." She said shaking her head quickly.

"I know it hurts." I said as I looked at her again.

"So why would I do that again," She asked me.

"Because you have to learn how to do it and trust me the faster the better." I said as I took her hands.

"It doesn't feel good." She muttered as she looked down.

"Not at first but after you get it down it does." I said as she looked up at me again.

"Well I don't want to and I don't have to." She replied stubbornly as I rolled my eyes.

"You have to learn, because if there is an actual emergency and you take long it hurts more." I said as softly as I could.

It took some time and a lot of convincing. But she agreed to try it to say the least.

I also had to promise a movie. With snacks and a lot of kisses. But she sat there as I waited.

"Okay, you have to think about being a wolf again." I said as she listened slowly nodding.

Without a doubt it would suck but she had to do it. So for the next two hours I had to suck up my emotions.

It wasn't my funnest thing to do make my girlfriend shift. Very painfully as I heard bones crack.

"Now human." I said as she gave me a irritated look.

That was the easy part as her body came back and I covered her with the blanket.

She looked tired but it wasn't that easy.

"Alright again." I said as I bent down near her.

"I can't do it." She got out as she panted.

"You have to." I said as I pushed her slightly wet hair back.

"I can't." She repeated as she took a drink of water.

"You have to." I said softly as she had an exhausted look.

But I wasn't caving so easily to her very cute face. So I made her do it again and again.

Yeah... I think she hated me right now.

By dinner time she was almost done. I thought 6 hours was enough. My dad made me do it for like 8.

She was human again and she looked like she had no energy.

"Alright come on." I said as I picked her body up.

She didn't look like she had much patience as I helped her get dressed.

"Let's get some food and then we can get that movie." I said as she gave me a glare.

I might have deserved it. But I was doing it to help her. I believed that fully.

She walked next to me not talking very much. Her hair was down her shoulders.

It doesn't mean I didn't try talking to her.

"On a good note, your like so close to no pain. So I'm thinking a nice bath to relax and then some dinner." I said as she looked forward.

She got in the house and at this point she didn't want to look at me. Walking right past.

"How was it." Tom asked as I took a drink myself.

The Witch and the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now