Oh really

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The next day I went down the stairs as I saw a girl.

"You must be Sydney." She asked as I nodded.

"Hi I'm looking for my boyfriend." She said as I shook her hand.

"Who's that." I asked as she smiled softly.

"Thomas." She said as I raised a eyebrow.

That is my boyfriend.

"I think you have the wrong Tom, this one doesn't have a girlfriend." I said as she shook her head.

"Were in a bit of a fight." She said as I gave a tight smile.

"Well I hate to be the one who tells you but your so called boyfriend was a little busy last night." I said as she sighed.

"He probably needs to get over me." She said as I rolled my eyes at her words.

"He was having sex with me." I said as her face dropped.

"He likes to get rid of stress." She replied.

"Oh trust me honey, it was far from stress he got rid of. I'm going to have to say this isn't real." I said as she gave me a hard look.

"Yes it is." She said as Tom himself came down.

"Tom, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." I said as he raised a eyebrow at me.

"It's because I don't." He said as he looked over the girl.

"She says you are, even though I told her about us." I said as he gave me a weird look.

"Us?" He asked as I nodded at him in reply.

"What we did last night." I said as he got it.

"Oh yeah, were not dating." He said as he pointed at her.

"Babe, I know we're having problems but another girl." She said with soft eyes.

"One don't call me babe and two we aren't a thing." Tom said "Never were and probably won't be."

"Besides that, I totally have a girlfriend that isn't you." He said as I gasped loudly.

"Tom." I exclaimed "Why are you sleeping with me then."

"Because I just can't resist, Babe." He said as he smiled.

Kissing me quickly as I glared at him.

"Don't pull me into your cheating fest." I said as he shrugged taking a drink of his coffee.

The girl huffed as she walked away from us.

"Babe." Ellie asked as he shrugged at his mom.

"You know me, I like my variety of crazy." Tom said as I hit his shoulder quickly.

"Your such an ass, how dare you. I'm not crazy." I said as he grabbed my wrist setting it down again.

"I'm a huge ass, it's my most redeeming quality." He said as I snorted.

"Not really Tom, I mean I'd say these are." I said lifting his shirt as he rolled his eyes.

Swatting at my hands so his shirt fell again.

"Leave my body out of this you perv." He said as I grinned at him in reply to his words.

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