Kicked Out

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I was a little to sad to talk as I pulled up at the pack lines. In which the werewolves knew who I was.

"Go on back Sydney." He said as I smiled softly almost crying.

By the time I got in the house I was to close to breaking down.

"Sydney." Tom greeted "What brings you here."

That was what it took and I finally let go. I cried as I moved towards his torso.

He seemed very confused as I hit his chest sobbing.

"Sydney what's wrong." He asked me as I kept crying.

It was to much to handle. He did wrap his arms back around me.

"They kicked me out." I sobbed as he looked down at me.

"Who did Siddy." He asked softly with concerning eyes.

"The coven." I sobbed more as I hide in his chest.

"They can't do that." He said "Can they."

I nodded through my tears.

"If you get everyone In the coven to sign the sheet, like a petition they can have you exiled." I got out almost crying again.

"Everyone, so does that mean that she signed it." He asked as I nodded again now sobbing again.

"My own mom." I cried as he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Shh." He said near my ear "Its okay Sydney."

"It's not okay." I cried "What am I going to do."

"Do you still have your magic at least." He asked as I nodded barely at his words.

"The only thing I got to keep." I said as I sniffled briefly.

"So you can just stay here until you figure something out." He said as I looked up at him.

I didn't do much more then offer a small smile. Laying on his shoulder as I cried still.

But not sobs so it was slow and silent as Ellie walked in. Raising a eyebrow until she saw my face.

No doubt very red and didn't seem to question more.

"Come on Sydney, I think you need to go lay down for a little while." He said as he picked me up softly.

I didn't move in his arms as he carried me away. He got me up stairs and set me in the bed.

"Relax Syd." He said as he pulled blankets over me.

"What's gonna happen." I asked so softly it was barely audible.

"Your gonna get some rest and we'll figure that out later." He said as I blinked slowly.

But at the same time I didn't care enough. I trusted his words as he smiled at me.

I closed my eyes and let the sleep take me.
I adjusted the blanket on her body as she was sleeping. She pulled it closer as I smiled a little and stood up.

Closing the door softly as I went back downstairs.

"What was up with that." Mom asked as I sighed.

So I told them what she told me and they were quite real quick.

"Oh my god." Mom said "Poor Sydney."

"Yeah I know, I can't believe they'd do that to her you know." I said as they nodded.

"She upstairs." Brody asked as I nodded.

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