Not Working

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2 hours later I was yet to get out of bed as Tom came in again. It was his room so.

"Here you go, some ice for that neck of yours." He said as he set down a tray of lunch i'd guess.

"Go away." I said as I tried to hide in a pillow.

"Not likely, here this should help you feel better. I don't have powers or I'd heal you." He said as he set the ice pack on my neck.

It did feel a little better as I took a deep breath.

"This doesn't make it better, I'm still mad." I said as I laid the other way ignoring the food.

"You kicked me in the balls, okay you do kinda deserve this." He said as I glared at him "But I'm sorry I was so rough."

I grumbled as he set the tray closer to me.

"So eat something so I know you've got food in there." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Leave me alone." I said as I laid so the ice pack stayed still.

"I never leave you alone, come on cheer up." He said as he shook my hands and I didn't move.

"What about a movie and some snacks huh." He offered as he laid behind me and I didn't answer.

My neck was in way to much pain to want to move. He sighed as he left a hand on my waist.

"We could always do something else." He said as his fingers went up my belly.

"No sex for you, my neck doesn't even want to move right now." I said as he kissed my cheek.

"But you know i can't contain myself around you Siddy." He said as he left his hand on my leg.

"Your going to have to." I said as he sighed.

"Never." He said as the bond must've kicked In.

I felt my neck heal as the ice pack fell.

"So what's your excuse now." Tom asked as I rolled my eyes.

"I just don't want to." I replied as he balanced above me.

"Is that so." He asked leaning closer as my heart picked up.

"Yes." I said strongly as it got faster when his hand went between my thighs.

I hated his hold over my body as I caved to easily. Kissing him quickly as my legs wrapped around him.

Not sparing any time as he was right against my chest. My hips pushing and pulling into his.

He didn't seem to mind as his mouth moved with mine.

"Wait the others." I said as I pulled away quickly.

"I told them you don't feel well today." He said with slightly red lips as he looked down at me.

"So why aren't we both naked yet?"

He grinned.

"Your wish is my command." He said as he pulled off his shirt.

It hit the floor as he kissed me and my mouth was quick with his. He didn't waste time until we were both half naked.

Pressed against the other as his hands went all around my body. My hips lifting off the bed to push into his.

He groaned in my mouth as he pressed his body into mine. Pushing mine into the bed.

Not like I cared as my entire body did what he wanted it to.

I was still pretty tired when I woke up after my little nap. Moving closer to Tom's body as he mumbled.

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