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To say the least I was feeling much like myself again. It had been a month since she passed.

2 weeks since she was buried officially and 1 week since I had cried. I was doing very well.

But now back to myself there was one thing I did want. I wanted to mess with him and I wanted to say thank you.

"Sydney, what are you doing in there." He asked as I smiled a little pulling on the robe.

"Getting ready for bed." I said back as I tied it.

"So you remember how we talked about working on my business skills." I said as he nodded slowly.

"Yeah, why?" He asked as I smiled. brightly.

"Because I think I figure out how we can and have some fun." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, how's that." He asked his hands on my face.

Letting the barely tied robe go open again. This had his attention as his eyes went down my body.

"What could this possibly have to do with business." He asked as his eyes were stuck on my legs.

"Well it sounds we don't agree on something." I said as I took a step closer to him.


"And I guess we need to get on the same side of things, which could use some convincing." I said as I took another step.

"What are trying to get at here." He asked his eyes on my face as I smiled.

"Maybe you need to convince me that I'm on your side." I said with a innocent look as my robe hit the ground.

"How do you think I should do that." He asked me as I smiled brightly getting a foot away.

"Well that's up to you, but the offer still stands of course." I said as he cleared his throat.

I could see the lust in his blue eyes as I went towards the bed.

"Plus I would like to say thank you, for all the help with my mom." I said as he smiled softly.

"It wasn't a problem, I swear I'd help you again." He said as I smiled softly sitting on his legs.

"So what to do then." I asked as I let my fingers run in his hair.

"Now I convince you that I'm right." He said as I raised a eyebrow his face close.

My legs wrapping around his waist as he smiled.

"How's that." I asked softly as he grinned.

"Lesson number one, always find a spot to exploit." He said as I nodded slowly.

"A point to find and use against them to make them believe your right." He kept going as I nodded.

"Uh huh, so what's mine." I asked as he smiled.

"For starters, it's defiantly me. Two it's this nice pretty spot." He said as his lips touched my soft spot.

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