Under the bra strap

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"My back itches." Ronnie complained as she walked in the kitchen.

"Come here." Brody said as she went towards him.

Turning her around to probably itch her back.

"Little lower...right there." She said as I could've guessed where.

"Under the bra strap." He mouthed as I nodded.

She looked like she felt better standing there for a few minutes.

"This feels much better." She said as he rolled his eyes.

"It's always so itchy down there." I said as all the girls nodded.

"It really is, like just stay right there." She said as he did for a few more minutes but did move his hand.

"No don't do that." She said "It felt so nice."

"That's what she said." Julian said as she pouted.

"You'll be fine for now." Brody said as he pressed a kiss on her mouth.

She pouted still as I reached under my own bra.

"What it's itchy." I said as Tom rolled his eyes.

"Turn around." He said as I raised my hands but did so.

He did itch it as I sighed in content at that moment.

"How to make a girl forgive you, itch under the bra strap." Cole teased as he came in.

"Yep." I agreed as I leaned into his hand on my back.

I am telling you it was heavenly, I almost died.

"She legit looks like she is in heaven." Brody said "Or she had like the world's best orgasm."

"I might have, I'll go check my underwear later." I waved a hand as Tom laughed.

Pulling his hand away as I whined a little.

"Why'd you do that." I asked as I turned around again.

"Because I did, you should be fine." He said as I huffed and stood straighter.

"You can't understand how itchy it gets under the bra strap. It is horrible." Ellie said as we pointed at her.

"That's a good idea, hey Henry." Elise said as she turned around.

He did comply and itch under the bra strap like she wanted.

"This is better." She said as he rolled his eyes.

"Your so weird." He told his wife as she smiled.

He moved his hand from her shirt as she smiled more.

"I love you too." She said pecking his mouth.

"Your still odd." Henry said as I took a drink of water.

"Sydney, did you take the last water." Tom asked as I nodded and he glared at me.

"Go find more." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

But thus decided to take my water and take a drink.

"That's rude." I said as he nodded at me.

"I'm quite aware." He said as I glared at him.

"Dick." I muttered as Greg shrugged at Ellie's look.

"Can tell he's your son." Ellie said as Greg nodded.

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