He did not

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I was pissed to say the least. Because my meeting with this guy took a very evil turn.

He walks in my pack and thinks he can just up and flirt with my girl. Well she technically wasn't mine...

But she was mine and you did not flirt with Sydney. But this guy sure as hell did.

"Well who knew this pack had such a beautiful girl." David said as Sydney smiled. 

"Well not me, I'm Sydney." She said as he grinned.

"David." He greeted "You have a boyfriend Sydney."

I would've spoken up but she beat me to it.

"No I do not." She said as he smiled brightly.

"Are you ready for this meeting now." I asked cutting it off with a polite smile.

"Oh of course." He said as I lead him away.

Two hours later I opened the door to my office.

"I hope you understand." I said as he nodded.

"Of course, it's a matter of helping your pack." He said as I nodded closing the door.

But Sydney was always around as he smiled again.

"Sydney." He said as she looked up at us.

"What's up." She asked as she walked near us.

"Are you busy now." He asked as she shook her head.

"No why." She asked as he looked at her face.

"Want to get lunch with me." He asked as I cleared my throat.

"I don't think that's the best idea." I said as she looked at me.

"Nonsense alpha, I would love to get lunch with you." She said as he smiled.

She left with him and I was through the roof. I needed to calm down and I needed to do it quickly.

"Where's Sydney." Brody asked as I set my phone down.

"Just a great story, Sydney went out with David for lunch." I said as I was so close to killing something.

"You seem happy." Dad said as I nodded at him.

"Oh just bursting for joy, good for Sydney right." I said as I took a deep breath.

Forcing myself to stay calm as I took a drink of water.

"You break my counter, I break you." Mom said as I looked over at her seeing I was holding it.

Very tightly as I let it go.

"Sorry." I muttered as she shook her head.

"It's okay." She said "You just have to calm down."

"I'm trying, it's not so easy." I said as she laughed gently.

"Want some tea." She asked as I shook my head.

"No I'll pass, but you know what I do want." I said as went in the cabinets grabbing a glass.

"That'll help." Henry said as I nodded at him.

Pouring a glass to just finish it quickly.

"I feel better." I said as they laughed gently.

I had problems taking another one from the bottle. Putting it away as I put the glass in the sink.

"You wanna explain why your so angry." Cole asked as I pursed my lips.

"Sydney went out on a date." Dad said as he nodded.

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