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The last thing I remember before waking up was being hit. Over and over until I could barely think.

Running with all my energy until I found a pack. I thought I died and no one cared.

I couldn't explain it.

But as my eyes opened I saw the tan room. I heard the monitor so someone saved me.

"Your awake." A female I'd assume was the doctor said.

"Where am i." I asked as I tried to sit up.

All the scars and bruises were gone. I didn't see a single mark left.

"The medical wing, you were in bad shape." She said as I leaned on the pillows feeling very well.

"But your doing much better." She said as someone cleared there throat.

I turned as I saw like the hottest guy ever. My eyes on his had my body jumping to get close.

For once I thought of something better.

"Your awake." He said as I nodded at him.

"Who are you." I asked as he smiled softly.

My heart jumped.

"I'm Brody, and who might you be." He asked as I shook my head to get out the nasty thoughts.

That was weird.

"Veronica." I said softly as I looked down.

"Beautiful name to match a beautiful girl." He said as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Why am I still alive, why did you save me." I asked as he raised a eyebrow at me.

"It was Tom's decision to save you, but he did it because you needed help." He said as I looked down biting my lip this time.

"Oh." I said as his eyes trailed to my lip.

"You know I already want to kiss you really badly so biting your lip isn't helping." He said as I defiantly turned red.

"Sorry." I muttered as he took one of my hands.

"It's okay." He said as he looked me in the eyes again "Why would you ask if we saved you or not."

"Because no one wants to help me, I know they didn't." I said as he pulled my head up. 

"That's ridiculous, why wouldn't someone save you." He said as his eyebrows furrowed.

"I haven't shifted yet." I said softly "So people tend to use me."

"I hope you mean to tell me use like 'oh hey get me a drink'." He said as I shook my head.

"Not for that, to hurt." I said as he looked me in the eyes.

"Veronica, did they ever touch you sexually." He asked as I shook my head at him.

"Never like that." I said as he nodded at me.

"How old are you." He asked me yet another question.

"17, 18 in a month." I said as he nodded slowly.

"How did you end up on pack lines." He kept asking so I told him what he wanted to know.

Those sparks were messing with my thoughts though.

"Huh." He said sitting back as his hand fell from mine.

But I liked the sparks as my hand reached for his again.

"Sorry." I said as he raised a eyebrow and shook his head.

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