Rogue Mates and Meetings

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"I demand to talk to the alpha." The same rogue said as I nodded at the guard.

Alpha mode, remember what Greg told you.

"You wanted to see the alpha." I said as I stood straight.

"Yeah so, who is the alpha." He asked as I raised a eyebrow.

"Me." I said as he looked me over finally.

"Your really the alpha, I can feel your power." He said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"You wanted to see me, so what do you want." I asked crossing my arms as he sighed.

"I want to talk about being let go." He said as I snorted.

"Not likely, a rogue on my land." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"So your an alpha and that means you think business." He said as I nodded slowly.

"Uh huh." I said as he stood up grabbing the bars.

"So let's talk business, I give you something in return for being let go. I do feel it mate." He said as I raised a eyebrow.

"Not how this works." I said "Mate or no mate."

"I'm not talking about it for that," He said again.

His blue eyes peering into my green ones.

"So what could you possibly offer my pack." I asked as I took a step back and he sat on the bed.

"I know people, high up people in the rogue world. Maybe we can come to an agreement of my freedom." He said as I raised a eyebrow.

A loud blaring as I ducked just barely avoiding a dagger.

They had to keys as I stood tall in front of the gate.

"Your going through me." I said as they smirked.

I fought and I got really far. Almost all of them down. But then one finally got me.

In the neck and it went dark. I fell quickly. Damn this sucked.

When I finally woke up I saw one person waiting in front of me. The rogue.

"Your awake." He said as I sat up but I was in defense.

Not talking to him as he handed me a glass.

"Where am I." I asked not taking the glass.

"My house, they took you out of a window." He said as I watched him sigh softly.

"I want to know exactly where I am." I repeated as he gave me a look.

"I can't tell you, your safe in here. It is just some tea." He said as I looked him over.

He seemed to feel bad. His little rogue pack did this to me. I didn't say anymore as I stared at the wall.

"Do you want some food." He asked me a few minutes later.

I didn't answer determined to stay silent.

"I will go warm this up, and I will bring food back. You can't leave anyways so yeah." He said as I simply stayed very silent.

It was my training. He was back maybe 5 minutes later.

"Here you go." He said as he set a tray down on the bed.

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