Messed Up

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I left the shower as I wrapped the towel tighter around me. I know Tom was behind me as I opened the drawer.

I might have started leaving clothes in case of emergencies.

"I am surprised mom hasn't noticed your missing clothes." He said as I threw a bra at him.

"Shut up Thomas." I said as he caught it easily.

"Got a thing for the color blue." He said as he held up the teal bra.

"Yep, I liked it so I bought it jackass." I said pulling on the matching underwear.

His eyes trailed my legs as I kept the towel on. But took the bra back as I turned around.

"It is nothing I haven't seen or touched so why turn around." Tom said as I looked over my shoulder.

Adjusting my boobs and then turning back around.

"Because I feel like it." I said as he raised a eyebrow.

"Oh really." He said as he took a step closer now in jeans.

"Yes really, how's the back." I asked as his arms wrapped around me.

"I don't think it's to horrible, but I defiantly need to keep your hands next time." He said as I laughed my head falling back.

But went to his back as I traced one of the red scratches.

"There not horrible, should heal by the end of the day." I said as I grabbed clothes to pull on.

"Yeah well." He said "You have some nails."

"You have some serious skill." I said as I was dressed now "And that is why I have some nails."

He smiled at me.

"Thank you." He said as he kissed me softly.

"I will be gone most of the day, I have a lot of work to do today." He said as I nodded.

"I'll be around." I said as he smiled softly and pecked my mouth.

"Bye." He waved as I left and closed his door.

Nodding at Brody who shook his head at me.

"Shameful." He said as I walked backwards grinning.

"Shameless." I said back "It's so much funner that way."

He shook his head as I went in my room. Grabbing my phone as I heard Tom's door close.

4 hours later I was laying out on a blanket in the backyard. In a white and black bikini with out the back on.

It was a clip but I was getting my back the warm sun on my skin.

"Hey Tom." I said as I felt him come towards me.

It was a witch thing, people had auras I could feel.

"Sydney, what's the point of the top of the back isn't done." Tom asked sitting next to me on the blanket.

"To get even tan lines, I can turn over if you'd like." I said as he shook his head.

"No thanks, I'm supposed to come rope you in to the house again." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Join me." I said as he smiled brightly but shook his head.

"My back isn't healed yet, it's something about you." He said "If you make it they don't heal like normal."

"With you alpha healing." I said as he nodded and redid my back.

I smiled as I flipped over to lay on back.

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