Why Polly?

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"Why did you chose her." Sydney asked as she walked in.

"One you can knock and two what the hell are you on about." I asked as I stood up.

"Why Polly, out of all people why did you chose Polly." She asked as I raised a eyebrow.

"Because I felt like it." I said as I crossed my arms.

I chose Polly because she hated her. It was that simple.

"You did it for a different reason and I can't figure it out." She said as she sat down.

"You don't have to Sydney, it isn't your business. But I'm busy." I said as I sat down again.

"No it is my business, because you know I can't stand her." She said as I shrugged.

"Didn't do it for you Siddy." I replied as she rolled her eyes.

Then like it was a light bulb in her head and she stood up.

"That's why you did, you did it because I don't like her." She said as I gave her a look.

"Are you done yet." I asked as she pointed at me.

"Just because your jealous, that I went out with David." She said and she was right.

"Now your just being absurd." I said as I stood up myself.

"Am I really, I mean your attitude towards him." She said as she raised an arm "The way you seem to regard him."

"That is not it." I said as she scoffed loudly.

"God you have no boundaries do you Tom, you know I hate her." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"I did it for myself, I actually had fun with her." I said as she raised a eyebrow at me.

"Just as much as you have with me right, make your way around." She said as I snorted.

"Now who's jealous, I didn't have sex with her." I said "And even if I did it sure as hell isn't your business."

"So why not tell me the truth then, why are you so jealous." She asked me as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not jealous, and there isn't any truth to tell you." I Insisted as I shook my head.

"There never is with you." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't turn this into something that it isn't." I said as she shook her head and turned around.

"Whatever." She said as she opened the door.

"Where are you going." I asked as she faced me again.

"I'm walking away before I get angry and say things I don't mean." She said as I could've let her leave.

"Not that easy." I said as I closed the door and she was against it.

"Actually it is, so move and let me leave." She said as I raised a eyebrow at her.

"Why should I?"

"Because this is over and I'm not here to appease you." She replied but her eyes were angry.

"And I'm not either." I said "You don't get to walk away like this."

"Why not, nothing more to talk about." She said as she kept her breathing.

"Much more here, you said you were going to get angry but your already angry." I said as my body remained calmish.

I was angry and I knew I was denying it.

"So you know what I run the risk of hurting you." She said as I got closer to her face.

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