You think so

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"Ronnie." Brody said as he shook my body.

"What." I mumbled as I pulled the sheets closer.

I felt so good this morning, not because of yesterday's torture.

"You gotta get up we have a long day ahead of us." He said as I opened my eyes.

"What are we doing." I asked "It's a date right."

"No it's not a date, we have to finish your shifting." He said softly as my attitude changed.

I wasn't doing it again, not going to happen.

"No," I said strongly "I won't do that to myself anymore."

"Babe you have to finish, quick and easy remember." He said as he shook me a little.

"Not happening, you will not get me to cave again." I said as I crossed my arms and went to get dressed.

I wasn't giving in to his soft words.

"I hate you." I said one hour later as I stood waiting.

"Your not going to hate me when it doesn't hurt anymore." He said with a smile.

I didn't want to do this. He left me no choice. After another two hours I was so done as he covered me with a blanket.

"Human again." He said as I ignored his words.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." I said in his head as he rolled his eyes.

"Now I know your lying to me, I'm watching you Ronnie. Now human again." He said as I growled and he raised a eyebrow.

"Keep your attitude to yourself young lady." He said as with a hard look as I growled again.

But easily became human again pulling the blankets around me.

"Wolf." He repeated as I rolled my eyes.

"No. You said 2 hours and it's been two." I said as he rolled his eyes at me. 

"This isn't done yet, so listen and we won't drag this on all day." He said as he waved a hand.

"I don't want to, I'm tired of going back and forth." I said as he nodded at me.

"Don't care, again." He said as I raised a eyebrow.

He didn't give up and it made me madder at him. He had me doing this for like 5 hours.

It didn't hurt but I was exhausted beyond belief. I didn't even want to walk at this point.

Still covered in only the blanket as he smiled.

"See, no more pain." He said as I glared.

Not talking to him at all as he got me dressed when I refused to move.

"Let's get some food." He said as I wouldn't walk either.

So he carried me and I didn't give into the sparks.

"Hey, all done." Tom asked as Brody nodded.

"All done, isn't that right babe." Brody said as I crossed my arms.

I wasn't about to talk to this asshole as I stood there.

"Well that's good, only 11 hours I had to do twelve." Tom said as I laughed gently.

"Sorry for you." I muttered as Tom smiled.

"It's for the better Ronnie, trust me it really is. I'll see you guys around." He said as I waved goodbye.

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