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"Tom." I asked as my arms wrapped around him.


"What's a boundary." I asked as he sighed.

"Something you will probably never have but your still cute and I still love you." He said as I smiled kissing him quickly.

"I love you more." I said as I could feel Sarah.

Leaving his arms as I went down the halls. But it was a guy, he smelt like Sarah though.

This must be her mate. Time to mess with her.

"Hello there sexy, how can I help you." I asked as I placed a hand on his chest.

"Uh." He replied awkwardly as I ran a finger down his muscled chest.

Didn't beat Tom though.

"I have a-"

"Space for me in all of these good looks." I cut him off as he looked at my hand.

I kept flirting with him for like 10 minutes as he denied me.

"Sydney what are you doing to my boyfriend." Sarah asked as I smiled at her.

"Not much, just welcoming him to the house is all. Who's your alpha." I asked with a sweet smile.

"I am." Sarah said as I pouted.

"She takes all the good ones." I said with a smile.

"I should follow her." He said as I grinned.

"Nonsense, I can show you." I said as he gulped a little.

"Sydney leave him alone." I heard Tom say.

"Not likely, just look at him." I called back.

Sarah came back out as she grabbed his hand. Pulling us both me on the other side.

"Have your girlfriend." Sarah said as she pushed me towards him.

Tom caught me as he held me against his chest.

"Girlfriend." Josh asked as I smiled at Tom.

"Hi babe." I said pecking Tom's mouth.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Yes she does." Tom replied with a smile "She means no harm."

"You ruined my prank." I pouted as Tom rolled his eyes.

"Oh that makes more sense, the perfect type. Dark hair and blue eyes." Josh said as I turned my head to grin.

"Just look at this perfection." I said gesturing to Tom's face.

"And you thought she was single." Brody said as Josh looked that way from Sarah holding his hand.

"She was all over me, you don't do that with a boyfriend." Josh said as Sarah shrugged.

"It's not cheating if your messing around, right Sydney." Sarah said as I nodded.

"Defiantly." I replied as she grinned at me.

"You are not doing that." Josh said as he hugged her close to him.

"And they call me possessive." Sarah muttered as I laughed.

Then again he was taller then her as she laid against his chest. He looked about 6'2.

She was like 5'8.

"Because you alphas act like every one who stares is going to make us just screw them." I said as Tom pulled me closer.

Sarah glared as she pulled her boyfriend very close.

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