Chapter 6

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After the party, Emily and I walked back to our dorm and went to sleep after taking off our makeup and putting on comfy clothes.

Emily's pov

"Wake up Em!" Noah shouts opening the door to the dorm. "Time to run!"

"Noah, be quiet, you're going to wake Raven," I say shoving a pillow over my head.

"Who's Raven?" Noah asks jumping onto my bed as I throw the pillow over my head at him.

"My new roommate, I told you about the contest and how the winner would be rooming with me," I say and Noah throws the pillow back at me. "Plus, I don't feel up for a run tonight, I drank too much last night."

"That's your problem, if you want to stay in shape for track you have to run every morning, you have to commit," Noah says throwing the covers off of me. "Now get up."

"Fine," I say standing up and grabbing a pair of black athletic leggings and a baggy, oversized, white t-shirt. "Just don't expect me to do a bunch."

"Let's go I don't have all day! I have to be at the field in five hours. The game starts at seven and coach wants us there an hour early today, and you have to be there in, at the most, six hours," Noah says dragging me out the door.


Noah and I ran for about three hours on and off and then we both went back to our dorms.

"Hey," Raven says as I walk into the room. "What should I wear to this game?"

"Our games have themes, and tonight is black out," I say and Raven pulls out a pair of black leggings and a plain black shirt. "Yeah, that's fine." I grab a pair of ripped black jeans and a black crop top. "We have like two hours until we should leave. We could go check out this now coffee place they put on campus if you want."

"Sure that sounds fun," Raven smiles and grabs her bag and we head out the door.

Raven's pov

"This is the best coffee I've ever had. I mean I typically don't drink a lot of coffee but that's because I've got other things in mind regarding certain people but still this is really good," I exclaim taking another sip out of my mug.

"I usually don't drink coffee either, I've just never seen the point to it. It's supposed to wake you up or whatever but I'm already fully awake when I open my eyes in the morning and I've just never cared for the taste but like you said, this is pretty good," Emily says and a girl with blonde hair walks over to us.

"Hey Em!" She says energetically with a big smile on her face. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"And I didn't expect you to be here either," Emily says awkwardly. "If I did I wouldn't have come."

"Oh come on Emily," The girl says laughing. "You can't hate me that much, can you?"

"Oh I can. You ruined things with Drake and I then you turned Drake into an asshole, and then you ruined Noah. It's like you want to ruin everyone important in my life," Emily says standing up. "I'm going to go now, Raven, unless you want to hang out with this bitch I suggest you come too."

"I'm coming," I stand up and follow Emily outside. "Who was that?"

"Her name is Chelsea. She dated Drake after we broke up and then dumped him after a week then started dating Noah and then after a couple months she totally had him hooked on her then just left him," Emily says as we walk down the sidewalk. "She just loves fucking with them I guess."

"Hey Em!" Noah shouts running up to us.

"What are you doing? You have to be on the field in like thirty minutes?" Emily questions.

"I need a favor," Noah says. "I need you to go to my room and grab my bag, I have to go help out Jason at the burger joint in town, his car broke down. Just bring it to the field, I'll meet you there in thirty, thanks!" Noah runs off in the opposite direction and Emily grunts throwing away her coffee in the nearest trashcan.

"Let's go," Emily takes off jogging and I run behind her as I almost trip on the raised sidewalk.

"Why do we have to run?" I ask out of breathe already.

"The boys dorms are on the other side of campus, we have to run there, run back, and get to the football field in under thirty minutes," Emily says and I stop running.

"How about you just meet me here when you come back," I say and she starts running faster.

"Will do," she says and I watch her run down the sidewalk.


"I can't believe you ran that fast in jeans," I say as Emily reaches me with a black nike sports bag around her shoulders.

"This thing weighs a ton," Emily says trowing it on the ground. "He must have bricks in there."

"Hey Em! Hey Raven," Austin says walking up to us.

"Hey Austin," Emily smiles. "I have to get this to the football field for Noah."

"What are you, his slave now?" Austin jokes and Emily laughs.

"It's just a favor, he's a friend, that's what you do for friends," Emily says and picks up the bag again and throws it over her shoulders.

"I'm just tired of seeing him use you for whatever he needs," Austin says and I look at him surprised.

"Excuse me," Emily defends herself. "We're friends, you do things for your friends, it doesn't mean they're using you."

"You think you guys are friends but all he wants is for you to worship him and do all the stuff he doesn't want to do," Austin says and Emily rolls her eyes. "And you get nothing in return."

"He is my friend. Maybe even my best friend. He's a good guy he wouldn't do that. He's the one that would comfort me every time Drake tried to push me around, he's the one that makes me feel better after we get into stupid fights like this one, he's the one that's there for me no matter what, and that's what I get in return. But not only that because if I need a book from my room he'll go get it for me, or if I needed a jacket, he'd get one for me. We're friends we do things for each other and we're there for each other. If you can't accept me having friends, that's your problem Austin. Now if you excuse me I have to go bring this bag to my friend, because that's what friends do." Emily walks off and I follow her down the sidewalk.

"I never knew you and Austin fought," I say.

"Occasionally. Mostly about Noah, like that one."

"I mean I don't get why boyfriends get jealous. It's like we can't have guy friends without them thinking we're hooking up or something." I laugh.

"Yeah," Is all Emily says and the rest of the walk to the field is silent.

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