Chapter 10

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Ravens pov

"So this party tonight." I say as Emily walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair.

"Please tell me you're still coming." She says taking a crop top out of her closet. "I really need someone there with me."

"What about Austin? I thought you two were going together." I ask.

"Well hearing that your girlfriend is a cheating whore doesn't really make you want to go to a party with her." She says setting the shirt down on her bed. "To be honest I really don't even want to go anymore."

"You aren't a whore, Emily." I roll my eyes and walk over to her.

"But I am, first the thing with Drake, then Noah, and now Asher, I'm surprised he didn't break up with me right then and there." She says and picks up the shirt again. "I even dress like a whore, this shirt is so slutty!" She shouts.

"It is not." I say taking the shirt from her. "Listen to me, you're going to put this shirt on with some cute shorts, then you'll do your hair and makeup, then we're going to that party."

"Fine." She huffs and snatches the shirt from my hands.


"Let's go before I change my mind." Emily says walking out of the bathroom fully ready.

"Okay." I smile and we walk out of our room.

"Emily." A voice says behind us as we walk down the hallway. I turn around and see Austin.

"Austin." Emily says and walks back toward him. "What're you doing here?"

"I was really mad at you, you were hooking up with your ex-boyfriend, then you kissed you're other ex-boyfriend, and then you kissed another guy. I guess I really can't be all that mad when I haven't been honest with you either. I've been hooking up with Chelsea Rivers." Austin says.

"You what?" Emily says surprised. "I kissed a couple guys, you're having sex with someone I hate!"

"You had sex with Drake." Austin says.

"Sex I didn't want to have." Emily says. "You're having sex with Chelsea Rivers that you do want to have."

"I ended things with Chelsea and I'm willing to forget everything you've done, everyone you did things with, if you forget what I've done." Austin says and Asher walks up behind Austin.

"Sorry, I'll just walk the other way." Asher says and turns around but Austin grabs his shoulder and he turns back around.

"You kissed my girlfriend." Austin says.

"Look I-" Asher starts to say but Emily cuts him off.

"Yeah, he kissed me. And I liked it Austin, I like him, I like Asher. I want to be with him. You can go be with Chelsea because we're done." Emily says and walks over beside Asher.

"Are you serious?" Austin says and rolls his eyes. "Are you really leaving me for him? Asher Kingston is the guy you're leaving me for? Emily he deals drugs."

"He does what?" I say surprised.

"I used to. Not anymore." Asher says. "That's in my past, Emily knows that. And I wouldn't be talking if I were you because, as I recall, you bought drugs from me."

"Whatever Emily, if you want to leave me for a guy like him then go for it. I really don't care anymore." Austin says and walks past me.

"So you guys are dating now?" I laugh and Asher laughs and wraps his arm around Emily's shoulder.

"I guess." He says and they both laugh and walk back over toward me.


"Hey guys." Noah says as we enter the party. "Nice of you to finally show."

"We got caught up." Emily smiles and turns to Asher. "Do you mind finding me some fruity drink? I'm just really craving fruit for some reason."

"We haven't even been dating an hour and you're already having me catering to you." Asher teases and kisses Emily on the top of her head and walks off.

"Dating." Noah says. "That was quick."

"Yeah." Emily says and then I see Dylan walk in through the door.

"There you are." Dylan says walking over to me.

"And what are you doing here?" I question.

"I want to talk to you." He says.

"Well I don't want to talk to you so if you don't mind I'm going to go try and enjoy the party." I start walking off further into the party but I can feel him following me.

"Can we please just talk?" He asks.

"Fine." I say loudly. "What is it?"

"It's kind of loud here, can we go outside?" He asks and I look around.

"Sure." I say.


We walk outside and he leads me over to a bench. "I want to apologize." He says as I sit down beside him.

"For what?" I say rolling eyes. "Leaving me alone for a couple hours?"

"For everything, for hurting you, for being an ass. You leaving really made me realize how badly I had been treating you. I ruined what we had, I ruined everything. I want to try and apologize for what I've done and I don't expect you to forgive me because what I've done is unforgivable. Raven, I'm truly sorry for all I've done and I really hope you'll find a way to forgive me because I love you." Dylan says grabbing my hand. "I just want to start over. I'll give you time to think about everything I just said."

"If I'm going to even think about it I need you to tell me you're done with all the drugs, dealing and using. I also need you to tell me you'll never do any of that again. I love you too, but I can't be with someone that continually hurts me and makes me feel like shit." I say as he stands up.

"If you find a way to forget about everything that's happened in the past, then I'll give up the drugs and dealing and I'll never do anything like that again, I promise." Dylan says and I stand up as well.

"Well then, my name is Raven and I think I'm in love with you." I smile.

"Nice to meet you Raven, I'm Dylan and I think I love you too." He smiles back at me and we laugh.

"I feel like we're in one of those cheesy movies now." I laugh and he wraps his arms around me.

"I like cheese." He laughs.

"You're so-" I laugh. "I don't even know what you are, but I like it, a lot."

"I like you, a lot." He leans down and kisses me on the lips. "Thank you for giving me a second chance."

"Can we go back inside now?" I ask. "It's getting really cold out here."

"Of course." Dylan laughs and we start walking back into the party.

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