Chapter 19

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I throw my lunch trash away then head to my next class of the day, anatomy. "Good afternoon Miss James." Mr. Kingston says as I reach the door.

"Afternoon." I say. "Where's Mrs. Ashby?"

"She went home sick and all the on call substitute teachers were already booked. This was my planning period so here I am." He laughs.

"Oh." I laugh. "See you in there." I walk into the room then take a seat at my desk.

"Hey Raven!" Isaac shouts as he walks into the room with a plate full of chicken wings.

"Hi Isaac." I say. "What brings you to anatomy class?"

"My schedule got re-arranged." He says then sits down in the desk beside me.

"Interesting." I say. "So you're going to your afternoon classes?"

"Yeah, why?" He says as he takes a bit off of a chicken wing.

"No reason really. I thought you guys would've just taken the whole day off to relax." I laugh.

"Noah and Asher are. Conner said he was going to come to his classes but I bet he ends up asleep in an empty classroom somewhere. As for me, I have no problem being here."

"Good afternoon everyone. For those of you who don't know, I'm Mr. Kingston. I'll be filling in for Mrs. Ashby who went how sick earlier today. If I'm being completely honest, I failed anatomy and am probably not the guy you want teaching you today." Mr. Kingston says with a smile.

"I have a question." A guy from the back of the room says.

"Yes?" Mr. Kingston questions.

"Isn't Asher Kingston your son?" The guy asks.

"Yes, what does that have to do with anatomy though?"

"Uh, I'm researching the reproductive system."

"Points for being able to think on spot. Anyways, Mrs. Ashby left some lesson plans that basically tell me to read you guys a PowerPoint over general anatomy while you guys take notes. So, grab your notebooks or whatever." Mr. Kingston says.


"It says here you guys will have a quiz over the information covered on Friday, so you can spend this time studying." Mr. Kingston says as he finishes up the PowerPoint.

"Afternoon everybody." Dale Grovers, the head administrator says as he enters the room with a couple other official-looking people. "Mr. Kingston, May we have a word?"

"Of course Dale." He says with a wide smile then follows Mr. Grovers and the others to the hallway.

"Go listen to what they're saying." Isaac whispers.

"Why me?" I question.

"I'll probably get caught if I do it." He laughs. "Just act like you're blowing your nose."

"I'm blaming this all on you if I get caught." I say as I reluctantly stand up. I walk over the Mrs. Ashby's desk and grab a tissue from the box. I raise it to my nose then walk over to the trash can by the door.

"A formal complaint was filed against you the other night by a fellow educator in the building and unfortunately we can't allow you to teach for the time being. Once the matter has been investigated, our board will come to a conclusion about your position here at Grovers Academy. You have until the end of the day to gather personal belongs from your classroom. After the day is over you shall not set foot on any property owned or overseen by the academy. Are all of these directions clear?" Mr. Grovers says.

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