"I'm sorry sir"

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All I can hear is my master talking and making shady deals with people. I wish I could say something. But who would believe a blind woman? No one would. That bothers me so much. It's not like I wanted to be this way. It's just the way I was born.

"Come on Y/N we need to get some other things!" My master says as he grabs my arm. I put my head down. Where are we going now? It's not like the royal guard is after us right now. He stops and let's go of my arm. "Wait here." I nod and lower my head more. I hear him walk just a few feet. As I stand there, someone bumps into me. Jumping back and having my head pushed down from my master as I start to worry. "Bow." My master whispers to me and I do so. "I'm sorry sir. This girl is blind. Please have mercy." He says to the man that bumped into me.

"If she's blind it quite alright. But if you're lying to me it will not just be the girl that is punished." Those words seem like a promise more than a threat. I'm not worried because I truly am blind.

"If you must go ahead and see for yourself." My master says as I'm still bowing down.

"Miss please lift your head up" I did as he said. And with no warning, the man took my chin and lifts it up to where his face would be. "It seems you were right, old man. I guess I should be sorry for bumping into a blind lady." I'm shocked by the man's words. I grab his hand that is still lifting my chin. I move my hand to his shoulder and then to his face. The man is shocked. I can feel it. My head was pushed down once more by my master.

"Apologized," He snaps.

"I'm very sorry sir," I say in a soft voice. But then, I hear laughter. What is he laughing at?

"Sir I will take this blind woman of your hands." What?! I mean I've wanted to get away from my master! But a blind girl being given to a man! That can't be good.

"But sir...?!" Was all my master said before I was taken into a pair of strong arms.

"I will take good care of her," The man said. Then, the man started to walk off with me. "You're ok now miss." His voice sounds sweet. But his aura is evil. But, yet that evil aura is comforting. Why? But, all I can say to him is.

"Thank you, sir." Lowering my head down I remember what my master said before this man bumped into me. 'She's a blind slave. But, she has a nice body.' He was going to sell me off. I know I'm blind and can't do much. But, he could have just sold me off for a normal price and not just for my body. I shouldn't be thinking about that.

-Judal's Pov-

Looking down at the girl I think of what she might be thinking. When I heard what that man I couldn't stop myself from helping her. Why? She may be blind. But, I can feel her pain. That man was truly cruel to this girl. Do I know her name? I didn't even ask yet. But, I don't want her to find out who I am. I'll just come up with a different name. Yeah, that'll work. "Ah Miss, I never got your name." Looking down at her I see her jump a bit.

"I-it's Y-Y/N." Y/N that's a very beautiful. She seems kinda shy. I would be if I was in her shoes. "Sir, might I ask yours?" There it is. What should I say?! In a hurry, I said the first name that came to mind.

"Alibaba." Was all I could say. Then, I thought I heard something. "What was that?" I say to her.

"Oh! Nothing Sir. I was just talking to myself." Strange...What should I do with her once I get her to the palace? If I make her a maid all she'll do is get lost and probably break something.

"You can drop the formalities there not needed. And, what can you do? Since your blind?" Should I have really said that to her? I hope she won't get mad at me. Wait what am I saying?! All I do is annoy people. Maybe once she becomes more open to me I'll act normal around her.

"You know I really don't know. For my old master, all I would do is help carry what he got at the markets and help him sell some of his merchandise. I would once in awhile sing at markets and help my master get more money. That's pretty much it." This guy sounds really shady. He took advantage of her being bland and used it to sell most likely stolen goods. And, took money from this girl that she earned. Now that's cruel.

"Hmm...How about you become my personal entertainer. You can sing for me and just keep me company. How's that?" Y/N raises her head and looks at where my eyes may be. Then, smiled at me with real joy.

"That would be amazing! Thank you, Sir Alibaba." I should have really said a different name. We keep walking to the palace. What should I do with her once we get there? You know now that I see it. Her smile is so pretty. What am I thinking? I really need to get a hold of myself. "No problem. We're getting close to where I live." Just as a say that Y/N grabs my arm. Is she nervous? About what? "Are you ok Y/N?"

"No. When we enter where you live will you help me know where everything is?" Her voice is kinda shaky. She really is nervous. We finally make it to the front gates of the palace. How can I get her inside without anyone noticing? Oh wait that's right I can fly!

"Ah Y/N," I say as I wrap her arms around my neck. "I need you to hold tight." Putting my arms around her waist I hold onto her.

"What are you going to do Alibaba?" Her voice shook. Maybe I can have a little fun with her. With my Ruhk I make a carpet and fly into the palace.

"Just something a little different," I say as we fly off to the palace.

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