First Kiss

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Alibaba went to the market to get a few things and information on the Assassin about a few minutes ago. Sadly I'm bored already. Being blind there ain't really much for me to do. Every now and then I would listen to conversations people have while they walk past the room. So far there have been two formal meetings, three flings, and five mumbling drinks. Why is that the only thing I can do?

A few moments I hear a knock on the door. I stay quiet to listen to who it could be. "It's me." I hear my Alibaba say.

"You can come in," I said in relief. "I'm glad you came. I was so bored just sitting here by myself." I heard him chuckle softly.

"I had a feeling. It's not fun not being able to do much." He stopped for a second. "Sorry I didn't mean."

"It's alright. To be honest it really isn't any fun being blind and bored. It's hard to find something to do." I said laughing softly. "How 'bout we do something simple."

"Like what?"

"I've heard this game called 'Never Have I Ever'. A lot of the girls in the kitchen at my old place used to play it all the time. It was always fun to learn something new about them."

"Ok, explain how you play."

For a few moments, I explained to him how to play the game. Then I heard him sigh softly. "We don't have to play this game."

"No, it's fine. We can't really do anything else. You should go first."

"Alright, never have I ever had alcohol." I heard a surprised gasp from him and I giggle a bit.

"You've never had alcohol?" He exaggerated the question.


"Well, that I can yes to. It's a great way to rewind after a work filled day." I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was already having fun. "Now, me. Never have I ever...I can't really think of anything." I giggle a bit.

"How 'bout I just say a few things I've never done and you say yes or no."

"Yeah, that might work a lot better."

"I've never climbed a tree." I heard another gasp come from him. "What do you expect I am blind."

"But, you could have had people help you." He said and I giggled softly.

"This is true." I tab my chin as I think. "I've never done anything illegal." There a bit of silence between us as he thinks.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I have."

"Really?" I ask a bit shocked.

"Yeah, I've done a lot." I hear him groan in regret. "I shouldn't have said that."

"Why? Because it could give me ideas?"


After a few more minutes of this, I learn more about my Alibaba. It was honestly really fun and it was a great way to kill time. If it wasn't for him I would still be bored out of my mind. Out of all this, I have the best time with him when there's downtime like this.

A few more hours pass and I have one final thing to say. But, I don't know how I'm going to say it. "I've never," I pause for a second "Been Kissed."

There was silence in the room. This made me slightly nervous. "That I've never done either." He said softly.


"You thought I have?"

"Well, yeah. You seem like you have." I feel him shift in the bed slightly.

"Now you know. I've never been kissed or kissed someone. But, I think it's because I've never found someone that special." After he said that my heart dropped slightly. "That might have changed though." I heard him mumble softly.

I lift my head a bit. "What do you mean by that?" I felt him shift more.

"I might have fallen for someone." He said as he leaned closer to me.

For a moment everything stops. I could feel his lips on mine. They were warm and soft. He set his hand on my cheek as I wrapped my arms around him. Every worry disappears from mind. But, then he pulls away. "W-what's the matter?" I asked softly as he got up.

"Nothing, I should head out."

After that nothing really clicks with me. Not even the fact that I can see everything around me. Not even the fact that something that small had made something major happen.

Blind love (Judal X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now