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-Y/N's Pov-

I lay on the bed for a few hours. Then I get up and carefully make my way to the door after I grab an extra thing of clothes. Once I'm out in the hall I walk to the bath. With one hand on the wall and the other in front of me, I keep a steady pace as I walk.

Every once in a while I would walk past a maid or servant. From the energy, they were giving off every time I pasted them I could tell they were talking about me when I passed. I'm still not used to being here in the palace as a free person. I feel like I need to do something to help the servants and maids here. It just doesn't feel natural for me to just sit back and let others do things for me.

After a bit of walking, I finally make it to the baths. I get undressed and carefully make my way to the warm water. When I get into the water I sink into it and relax. For what happened I can't believe that I'm still tense after two days of rest. I feel like it just happened yesterday....although I did kinda lose track of time yesterday. All I did was sleep. Do I know why? No. But, It was kinda nice.

After a few minutes of soaking in the water, I hear footsteps. Quickly I sink more into the water trying to hide. "Who's there?" I say as I turn my head around trying to listen for a voice.

"Don't worry dear. I'm a friend I won't hurt you." A female voice says to me softly. "I just came here to talk. That's all." I sink deeper into the water. Slowly, make my way to the other side bath and away from the voice. "Don't worry dear. I won't hurt you. I really just want to talk. Well more like warn you."

"Warn me about what?" I ask the voice.

"Someone you trust dearly is not telling the truth. I just want you to be aware of this fact. Also, make sure you're taking care of yourself and learn how to control your powers." I lift my head up to the voice.

"How do you know about my magic?" I ask the voice. But, there's no reply.

Sighing I sink back into the water. I had so many questions running through my head now. Like; who isn't telling the truth and who was the women? How did she know about my magic? Where the hell did she come from?

As these questions run through my mind I get out of the bath and get dressed in some clean clothes. I walk out of the bath and into the hall. Once more I listen to the people who pass me as I walk. When I know I'm back to the room I open the door and I'm surprised By a warm hug. "Y/N, next time you plan on going to the bath or anywhere else in the palace. Please, find me and tell me." I hear my Alibaba say in a worried tone. "I thought something bad happened to you when I saw that you weren't here." Smiling a bit I wrap my arms around him.

"Next time I'll tell ya if I leave the room. Have you found anything on who attacked me?" I asked as we pulled away from each other. I hear him clear his throat a bit. "Well?"

"I found out how they got out of the palace. They hid in a room for a bit but then got out through another window. And whatever you did it injured them enough to draw blood. It didn't seem bad. There were only small drops of blood on the floor." I step back a bit from what he said.

"I injured them. How?" Why am I lying to him? I know how. At least I think I do. I used my magic somehow.

"Maybe you got them with the glass that you through at them." For a second I don't know what he means. Then it hits me. A vase fell on the ground when I bumped into it. It must look like I through it at the guy. "Do you know if it was a man or women? I know it's hard to tell because your blind. But, did you hear their voice at all?" Once again I think. If I remember correctly I did hear them clear their throat. It sounded like the Alibaba's when they clear their throats.

"I think it was a man," I say softly.

"That's good information for us to have. It might not narrow down the options of who did it. But, helps a lot. Thank you, Y/N." He said taking my hands softly.

"No problem. I'm glad to help. Even if it's only a bit." I say with a small smile on my face. "I hope you find them soon." He squeezes my hand a bit in a reassuring way.

"I know we will. No one is getting away with doing that to you." Once again I smile. He lets go of my hands and stands up. "Get some more rest, ok?" I nod my head as I sit on the bed.

"Ok." Is all I say. Truly I don't think I can get any more rest. That's all I've been doing.

I hear him walk over to the door and open it. "I'll be back later. Come find me if you need anything." Slowly I nod my head.

He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. Slowly, I lay back in the bed thinking of what I could do. This whole time I've just been sitting back doing nothing. I want to help them as much as I can. But, I can't think of anything that I can do.

I get up and start walking around the room. I grab the side of the bed and walk around it. Reaching my hand out as I got to the other side of the bed I feel for the wall. Hearing the wind coming from the window I walk over. Carefully I reach my hand to the window. I step in front of it and just listen.

Listing to the things around me. I sigh softly as I hear the leaves rustle from the trees under the window. I hear something from above me. Turning my head up I listen closer. It almost sounds like breathing...

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