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-Y/N's Pov-

I wake up in a small panic. Suddenly I notice a weight on my legs. For a few moments, I feel around for whats on my leg. I feel a bit of hair and I softly run my hand through it. Out of all the things he's done I never thought he would fall asleep on top of my legs. Softly I laugh to myself as I try to move my legs from underneath him without waking him up. But, I was unsuccessful. "Y/N?" I hear Alibaba say in a sleepy tone. Then I feel his soft hand on my cheek. "You don't look too good. Did you not sleep well last night?" He asks me softly.

"No, I slept pretty well last night. But, I think I had a nightmare though..."

"Do you remember what it was about." All I do is shake my head to answer his question. "Well if you do just tell me about it, ok?" Once again all I do is nod my head to answer his question. He sighs lightly to himself then gets up. I hear him stretch and take a deep breath. "I want you to take another day to rest while the other Alibaba continue the investigation."

"You really don't need to go through all the trouble of investigating all of that for me." I hear him sigh softly as he lays his hand on my leg.

"For the worry of your safety, we do. Now, what would you like for breakfast? I'll go get it for you."

"Can you get me F/F for me." I hear him stand up and walk towards the door.

"Sure thing." He opens the door, leaves the room, then closes it without another word. And once again I'm left in a room of silence alone.

-Judal's Pov-

I walk out of the room and head to the kitchen. As I walk I'm stopped by Alibaba with a look as if something was on his mind. "Morning Alibaba. Is something wrong?"

"I...You need to follow me." Was all he said as he started to walk towards the garden. Quickly, I follow behind him.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask once we get to the garden. But, he keeps walking and I follow behind him.

He stops by the rock that Y/N sits on every time she comes to the garden. He points to a white flower right next to it. I raise a brow at him wondering why he brought me here. "Y/N did this. I saw it with my own eyes. And I have a feeling she's the one who put the moss on her rock and was the one how made the vines that are under her closet. She used magic. Y/N is a magician." I shake my head a bit in disbelief for a second then I think. Those vines couldn't have just suddenly appeared without the work of magic. For a minute I don't believe. But, as I think of all the plants that have just suddenly popped up I start to believe. "You believe me don't you?" I nod my head softly.

"I do. It's a bit shocking but, now that you mention it. It kinda makes sense. The only thing that doesn't make sense is her being blind. If Y/N is a magician shouldn't she be able to see?" He looks at me.

"I don't know. Maybe...but, I do believe that she is truly and completely blind. There's no doubt about it." He sat down in the grass. "Let's try to find the person who attacked Y/N before we investigate her powers, ok?" I nod softly at him and sat next to him. "Now, from what I gathered the person had to go through the window to escape. But, the question is how? I looked at the wall for a while and found strange holes in the wall. So in some way, they must have climbed down."

"But, that could also mean that's how they got in. And we know for a fact that they didn't climb up the wall using magic. And the person must have been assigned to killer her. The worse thing is that we can't ask her if she saw the guys face. Wait, did we find any blood in the room."

"I thought I looked at the window and found a bit. I bet if we look around the palace we might find a trail or something." He says as he stands up. "Let's split up and see what we can find."

Quickly I stand up myself and nod my head. "I think that's a good idea. I'll take the west part and you'll take east part of the palace." He nods his head then we split up.

As I walk around the palace I look around in dark corners and old rooms that we haven't used. I keep looking through the rooms for something. Finally, I walk into a room. I see small dots of blood on the floor. Carefully I walk into the room more and look around. I follow the dots of blood to another window. I look out the window and down to find a small puddle of blood on the ground. "I guess this is our next step to finding who attacked Y/N..."

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