The Inn

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-Y/N's Pov-

As time passed I could feel the heat from the sun on my skin become cold. The sun was starting to go down and that's the time Alibaba and I are going to head to the Inn where the other Alibaba is. "Y/N, where this cloak while we go through the market," Alibaba said as he puts it around me. I nod slightly as he ties the cloak around me. "We're going to have to be extremely careful."

"I know," I said as I smiled at him softly. I could feel that his hand were shaking a bit. So, lifting mine up to meet his I move my eyes to where his could me. "As long as you're with me, I should be fine." He sighed softly as his hands wrap around mine.

"I know, but I can't help it. I worry about you Y/N." I moved my hand to his cheek and I smiled brighter at him.

"You shouldn't worry about me though. Just because I'm blind it doesn't mean that I can't handle myself."

"Y/N, you really are something." I heard him chuckle a bit as he sets his hand on mine. "We should head out now."

Not letting go of each other's hands we walk out of the shop together and slide into the crowd of people in the market. Carefully I follow behind him as we walk down the road.

After a second or two I run right into his back when he stops suddenly. I hear him mumble something softly to himself as I feel him turn to the left and I once again follow behind him. "What happened?" I asked quietly.

"He was ahead of us." Was all he said.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. It surprising that Decius is so close. But, we can sneak around him pretty easily. At least I hope we can.

I feel the ground under my feet become rockier as we walk. I have a feeling that we're walking down an alley. The feeling around me gets a bit heavier as we walk and I get closer to Alibaba. "Don't worry, everything is fine. We're getting closer to the inn." He says in a comforting tone. I nod slightly as we continue to walk down what I think is the alley.

At some point, we get out of the alley and back into the busy movements of the market. Alibaba then pulls at my hand to follow him. After that, I hear a door open and I walk into the sounds of laughter. I feel the warmth of a nearby fire on my legs as we walk in more. Then I hear a familiar voice. "What are you two doing here?" The other Alibaba ask as I heard him walk over.

"We need a place for Y/N to hide while we figure this out. Just so you know this was all her idea." I heard the other Alibaba sigh as he takes my hand.

"Is it true?"

"Yes," I said proudly and nodding softly at him. "It's better then me going back to the palace or for me to go to a different Inn. It'll make things look more suspicious."

"You really are a smart cookie." He said kindly. I smile a bit as my Alibaba takes my hand back. "I'm guessing you want her to stay in my room so it looks normal."

"Yes, it'll help a lot." My Alibaba said. "Just keep her safe, ok?" He says as he let go of my hand. "I'll be back tomorrow to meet with you two." After that, he walked out of the Inn leaving me and the other Alibaba.

"Can you take me to the room?" I asked shyly.

"Oh! Um yeah." I heard him jump to say as he took my hand. "Sorry, I wasn't really thinking." I smiled a bit.

"That's alright. Just help me get to the room and I should be ok." He softly agreed with me as he walked me to the room. Once we got inside he helped me sit down on what I think is a bed.

"I'll sleep on the bench. You can get the bed." Just before I was going to speak up to say something he stops me. "We won't fight about this. I get the bench and you get the bed. Now, lay down and get some sleep."

I nod my head and lay down in the bed. Next thing I knew I was asleep.

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