A Dream

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A small baby with H/C and E/C lays in her crib. Every so often she would laugh at the faces her parents were making at her. Her father put and arm around her mother. "She's going to grow up not just to be a beautiful sight. She's going to grow up to be beautiful inside and out." The father said in a proud voice as the mother nodded in agreement.

"She will. She will learn to help the ones that can't help themselves. With and with out her magic." The couple smiles at their little bundle of joy then everything faded into the dark.

Suddenly fire blazed from all around the room and the child cried for her parents. The mother rushed into the room and grabbed her carefully. "It's alright sweet pea mama's here." The mother said as she looked for a way out of the room. The mother ran towards the door and kept a strong yet soft grip on her baby girl. "Your going to be ok baby girl." She said trying to comfort not just her child but, herself as well.

After moments of running through the burning building the mother finally got out of the house. She turns to the burning house. Tears run down her heat kissed cheeks as the baby cried in her arms.

There was no sign of her husband after the fire had went out. So, she took a breath and looked at her now sleeping child and once again started to cry. "I'm sorry baby girl but, daddy won't be with us any more..." she said as she cried. With a heavy heart the mother turned away from the burnt building and started walking.

Once the mother made it to a city, she walked into an alley and collapsed to the ground. She took one more look at her child and sighs sadly. "We'll make it. I know we will." She said brushing the child's H/C hair.

Suddenly an idea popped into the mothers head. "I'm sorry my sweet pea. But, to protect you from anyone using you for your power for evil. I'm going to make them dormant. You will have it back once you learn the most powerful lesson." With soft motions the mother chanted a small spell then started to cry once again. With another breath she said another spell and finished it crying. "Please forgive my my little one. Please for give me Y/N. I want you to learn to trust what your feeling. Not on what you see. I'm so sorry." And with that the mother took one last breath and went lifeless. After an hour or two Y/N woke up and started to cry.

Then, a man walked past the alley. He heard the cry of the small child. Carefully he walked down the alley to find the lifeless mother still holding her baby. "Such a young mother. The poor thing." The man knelt down to the young Y/N and picked her up. "I will take care of her for you." He said holding the baby in his arms protectively. "I promise." He said then turned and walked out of the alley to his house. And once again, everything went dark.

After years young Y/N is in the kitchen helping the other servants. Even with no sight she knew where everything was. So she did as much as she could to help. With a smile on her face she took a try to one of the rooms. "Master, it's time to eat." She said to an old man that was sitting up in bed and looking out the window.

"Already?" He said in a weak voice as she walked to the side of the bed. "You don't mind sitting here with me while I eat, do you Y/N?" She shook her head and set down the food.

"I don't mind at all." Y/N said as she sat on the edge of  the bed. "I though you were supposed to be resting, master." She said in a concerned voice. But, all the old man does is laugh softly.

"You are right but, I don't want to rest till I'm gone." He said as she just sighed. "I know, I know. I shouldn't talk about leaving. But, my time is coming soon and you know it, Y/N." All she does is nod her head.

Softly the man sets his hand on hers. "I know...but what is going to happen to me and the others?" She said worried.

"You will go to my successor." She lowers her head. "Hey, Just remember what I told. Alway follow your heart. If you want to leave you can." She shakes her head.

"I don't know..." The man laughs softly again.

"You'll be fine Y/N. Now, go get yourself something to eat." She nods and stands up to leave. But she stopped by the mans voice. "Please, don't ever forget what I said." With a soft nod she walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

Suddenly everything is chaos once again. Y/N, is kneeling next to the bed she was just at not long ago, crying. The mans successor walks into the room and puts a firm grip on her shoulder. "You need to get to work was all he said to her." Then just like that everything went black and Y/N woke up from her dream with a start.

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