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-A/N- I think you can guess who this is. Lord Taran Hatton. *cough cough* asshole.  *looks around innocently* I didn't say anything.


-Y/N's Pov-

As I sneak out of the palace I think of what Ace said. 'I believe he's still in the city...he'll be heavily guarded. So, be careful.' Once I find him I'll be able to pay him back for what he did to me. But, who knows if he'll win this fight. Honestly, I don't care as long as the boys are ok. If those two are out of harm's way and Ace I'm fine with anything at this point.

Once I was finally out of the palace I kept my ears open and my hands up just a bit so I didn't run into anyone or anything. Every now and then I would follow a wall down an empty street. It must be really late because barely anyone is out right now. I hear the occasional conversation but otherwise, that's it. But, I stop once I hear a female voice behind me. "Are you ok?" She asks me. I turn to her smiling.

"Yes, I'm fine just looking for someone." Was all I said to her.

"Who are ya lookin' for? I might know where they are."

"I'm looking for Taran Hatton," I say quickly.

"Is he one of those merchants that went to the place just a bit out of town." Once I heard merchant I quickly nodded my head. "I'll take ya to him. Just follow me." The women turned a bit and started walking away. Quickly, I followed behind her nervous of what could happen. "So, how do you know him?" She asked me as we walked.

"He's um an old friend of mine." I wrinkle my nose just saying that one tinny lie.

"Oh, so yer payin' him a little visit?" All I did was nod my head. "Well ain't that nice." After a moment or two of walking, she finally stops. "This is the place. Have a nice visit." She said as she walked away and I just nodded.

After a bit of time, I listen to for any talking. I pick up on two men talking about women and the sound of music playing. With a deep breath, I walked up to them. I could tell they sized me up by the way my skin prickled with goosebumps. As I got closer one of the men spoke up, "Who are you?" Then the other spoke up as he grabbed my arm.

"This is the slave we've been looking for!" I was suddenly rushed into the loud music and loud conversations. "Master Hatton the girl." He said as he pushed me down on my knee.

"Aw little N/N, I'm glad to see you back. Did you finally get tired of the palace life?" I moved my eyes up a bit and another flash of vision hit me. A man wearing all red with red hair and red eyes sat in front of me on a throne-like chair. I gulped a bit as I looked at the sword that he was holding. "I heard you gave my assassin I sent after you a bit a trouble." He said as he got up. This episode of vision is lasting longer than normal. "I was shocked when he told me you had magic and, that it injured him pretty badly at that. I guess you're not as useless as I thought you were." He walked over to me as he swung his sword with skill. After that my vision faded and I couldn't see anything else. "How was your little stay in the palace, Y/N?" He says as I look down.

"I-It was-" I was cut off by the sound of metal in the air then I feel a slight pain on my cheek.

"Choose what you say carefully." I hear his dark voice say as I feel blood drip down my cheek.

"I-It was...fine." Taran deep chuckle fills my ears. This scared me a bit. I couldn't move any part of my body.

"Why don't you show us what you can do." He whispers softly in my ear. Reflexively I move away from him. Then I hear him laugh even louder as I hear others gasp. "You really do have some strong magic, don't you?"

"That's what I've heard," I say moving my head up to him smiling a bit.

"Don't get smart with me." He says as he moves his sword to my chin. All I do is stay still and smile. "You will come back with us. No matter if you're his new pet or not." He moves his sword away from under my chin as he walks back to his chair to sit down. "Now go join the other slaves."


"What did you say?" I hear him growl at me.

"I said no." With a smile on my lips, I stood up. Taran once again got up from his chair. "I know you won't kill me. You loved seeing me suffer too much." He chuckles deeply one more time.

"Your right I won't. But, that doesn't mean I won't kill the others you care about." I hear his sword move again and I quickly reached out. After a second I hear the sound of metal hitting the ground and Taran groaning in pain. "That was surprising. For a blind woman, you know how to hit your mark." 

After that, I hear the sounds of other men in pain and the sound of the boys behind me.

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