The Marketplace

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The sun shines through the open window and lights up the room waking me up. I sit up on the bed. I wonder where he is? Is all I could think at that moment. I slid out of the bed then walk toward the closet. Oh, I forgot I don't have any other clothes yet. Walking around the room for a bit the door to the room opens quietly. "Oh, you're awake." I hear a familiar voice say. "I thought you would still be sleeping." He stated as the sound of his footsteps started towards me.

"I'm used to waking up early," I reply smiling. He sighs lightly then softly takes my hand.

"Let's get something to eat." He walks out of the room as I follow behind. He walks me down the long hallway. But, slow enough for me to feel the wall for a bit. "I hope you slept well." He says in a quiet tone.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for asking." I answer, smiling. After a while, I could smell the sweet fragrance of freshly baked bread. "That smells really good." I can hear him gasp a bit in astonishment. "What?" I asked lifting my head towards him.

"We're not that close to the kitchen and yet you can smell it? How?" He asks me. All I could do is giggle.

"Well, when you lose one sense your other senses are strengthened. At least that's what I believe." He chuckles a bit then ruffles my hair.

"I like that theory. Also, I would agree with you on that." 

"Really?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I think of it as if when one person has strength in one area they might not be as strong in another." He says as the sound of an open door is heard. He walks me inside and I hear the bustling of a busy kitchen. "The table is just over here." He speaks as he places my hand on a smooth wooden surface.

"Thank you, Alibaba." I hear him clear his throat. It's probably because it's so early in the morning. 

"What would you like Y/N? I'll have the um kitchen staff make something for you."  He states as I look up at him.

"Um (Favorite Breakfast food) please," I answer with a smile. He chuckles. Then, the sound of his footsteps fade away and then back over. 

"Alright, it'll be ready in a bit." He pulls out a chair and sits down. "We're going to the market today to get you some new clothes. Is that ok with you?" He asks me.

"Yeah, that sounds great," I say smiling at him. I hear a plate set down in front of me as well as the smell of food. "That smells so good," I say while trying to find my utensils.

"I think it'll be easier if I gave it to you." I sat there in shock for a bit as I felt my cheeks heat up. He chuckles a bit then says, "It should be something to be embarrassed about."

"I-I don't know. Don't you think it'll be a bit weird have a grown man feeding a grown women?" I ask him. But, all he does is chuckle.

"No, it's fine. I've already told a few of the staff here that you're blind." He stops for a second. "I really shouldn't have told anybody without your permission." He said as he sets down the utensil.

"N-no it's alright with me," I say a bit flustered. "Thank you" With that, I hear him pick up the utensil again.

"You're very welcome," He says in a light tone.

{Time skip to the market}

We walk hand in hand around the market picking up new clothes. I trust that he's picking out really nice clothes. All day I've had nothing but velvet cloth touch my skin. It's a nice change from what I used to wear in the past. "Again thank you for getting this all for me," I say with a smile. "Is this all we need?" I ask just after.

"Your very welcome and no. We still need to go to one more shop." He says as he holds my hand protectively. I don't know what it is. But, having him hold my hand like this is comforting. Why is that? "You don't have anything extremely nice. I want you to have a dress." 

"I dress?" Who knows how long it's been since I've had one of those.

"Yes, is there something wrong with that?" He asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"N-no, not at all," I answer as I follow behind him to the last stop of our trip. We walk for a while through the street. I just listen to the sound of the busy shops and people. These are the moments where I wish I could see. This place sounds so cool. Maybe I should ask Alibaba what it looks like. No that's just too weird. We both come to a soft stop. "Is this the shop?" I ask as I feel his hand move away from mine.

"Yes, just stay there while I go pick something out," Alibaba answers as he walks away to find me a dress. I stand there still listing to the busy sounds of the market. After a moment or two, I'm suddenly pushed with a strong force. I quickly turn around and bow my head. "I'm sorry." I stand back up as I do I feel the cool sting of a sharp object on my neck.

"Are you really now?" States a cold voice. I quickly become nervous about what could happen. Once again I feel strong arms wrap around me. "What are you doing here?" Asked the voice.

"I'm shopping for this girl." I hear Alibaba answer calmly. Does he know this person? "She's my um..." I could hear the tapping of the person's impatient foot.

"She's your what?" The person asked in a cold tone. Then I hear them sigh and say, "You have 6 hours to come up with an explanation. Then she's going to become a slave." I gulp at the word. I'd rather not become a slave again. It was the worst time of my life. The person walks away annoyed and I hear Alibaba sigh.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll come up with something I promise." He says as he hands me a dress. "Go try this on. I have a feeling it'll look beautiful on you." I nod in agreement then he takes me to the changing stall. I close the curtain then try on the dress and I run my hand along the collar of it. This seems pretty low... "Let me see how it looks." I take in a deep breath and step out of the changing stall. There's a small gasp from Alibaba. 

"So, how does it look?" I ask him a bit embarrassed.

"It looks beautiful Y/N." Alibaba answers. I raise my hand back up to the collar. 

"Don't you think it's a bit too low?" 

"No, not at all. It looks perfect. Trust me Y/N." My heart jumps a beat every time he says my name. Why is that? I turn back around towards the changing stall and once again close the curtain. Changing back into my old clothes I hear Alibaba hum and I smile. "Y/N, would it be ok if I called you my lover?" My heart once again skips a beat but I keep myself calm.

"T-that's fine with me." I somehow say with a little embarrassment. "Alibaba, Is there a reason why you're buying this dress for me. I say walking out of the stall. He clears his throat as he takes the dress from my arms.

"Actually yes. There's going to be a ball in a few days. So, I wanted to get you something nice to wear for then." He takes my hand as he heads to the owner of the shop. Alibaba pays for the dress and walks out still holding my hand as well as the bags of clothes for me.

"Thank you" Was all the words I could mumble at that moment.

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